Bio(hazard) 1: Who am I? The story of a Wattpad user and their journey.

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It's the name I've gone by on Wattpad since I was around 11 or 12. I've used Ace on everything from discord to Xbox and Twitter. I got the name from a show I barely watched yet loved; Gravity Falls.

I didn't watch Gravity Falls, I just liked the characters. I liked Bill Cipher enough that when I joined Wattpad I decided Ace Cipher was going to be my online name.

I went through two accounts before reaching this one, both being named Ace at one point. I lost the 2nd one and so I decided that naming my new account "Ace is not dead" would be fitting as I may have lost my account but I wasn't dead, I was still writing crappy fanfictions and trying my best to role-play.

Roleplaying is something I did for a long time. Since I was young I've wanted to be someone else, something higher and better. Role-playing was my escape. I got to play characters with powers and characters that could do things I couldn't even imagine doing. I cant shoot things from my hands, I'm no master thief, ect ect.

However I was very bad at role-playing, and have almost stopped roleplaying except for the occasional one.

While Wattpad is a big platform for role-playing, it also is about; books.

I couldn't write either. I could read, I read a lot, but I can't write. All my books copied elements from others or animes I liked at the time.
My entire background for my character {Ace} was based off of Ciel from Black Butler.

My Wattpad phases;

Wattpad gave me attention, and it was bad for me. Looking back my parents were right to make me stop. I'm glad I decided to take a break, as well. It's made me reflect on a lot of things.

I plan to keep writing, try to get better. I need to plan out a few things, but I'll be trying. As for role-playing I will also be getting back into that. Coming back to Wattpad and seeing all these old usernames of people I once knew was nostalgic in a good and bad way. Memories of times almost forgotten flooding in, old roleplays, old drama, and how much of a bad I was filled my head. I needed a moment. I still do. So, 403 words later, I hope I can get back into Wattpad and have a new wave of people follow me. I want to write and roleplay. I will be more active, and I will not be as cringe; I promise.

So, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy what I produce.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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