night out!! and a stupid ass friend -______-

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Hey lovelies good morning!!!! see that picture ..I was alive on those packets all night trust me! *sigh*...little bit of food for me!! And u know....ehhhh....never mind !!

So We had this night out over here at a friend's place and we slept at around 7 in the morning and its 9.06 a.m over here (and its fucking cold trust me, its freezing)..I got up and saw that one of my friend was sleeping like a horse (whatever that meant and sorry couldn't take a picture)so I kicked her and went to bathroom!!

I saw that she was still sleeping -__________- so I sat on her and yelled in her ears and did what not but she wasn't ready to get up sooooo...I went to kitchen took out a bottle of water(which was fucking cold) and poured over her!! And...she was pretty much fucked! Yeah!

Peace out!!

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