"I love you"

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"I love you"

That's what I would have told him

If I hade the courage

But when you receive eyes so depart and lonely

The only words the comes out of your mouth are despair

"Kill yourself" I say void of any emotion detected

"Stay" unsaid

"Don't you want to end it all ?" I continue my voice quavering

No answer was answered

"Please stay with me" unsaid

No words was spoken

I could hear the breeze tapping on the window

Trees shivering from the cold winter night

Yet you could still hear my quick breath

The sound of me sniffing does nothing to hide my tears

......."No" he quietly said

He stares and quietly kneels down on the carpet

Soundly wraps his arms around my waist

"Forgive me" he says with a quivering voice

I could feel my night gown getting patches of tears stains

The feeling of sadness has attached itself to my white now dirty grey gown

"What have I become" I whisper out

I pity myself as well as him

The man that the world itself has abandoned

And the woman who can't help but love him

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