Rooty Tooty Fresh 'N Fruity Pancakes

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my dancing in the rain as stopt by Cher pulling me under the patio area at ihop

"why is there a patio at a breakfast place?" i asked shaking my unbrella.

"Why do you dance in the freezing cold rain" she snapped back.i wouldn't say it was a snap,that sounds too mean,it was more in a smart Alec tone

"toshea" i said walking to the host "table for 2" i said politely

"ya'll gonuh have to wait 15 minutes"she said.i can tell shes not from around her just by her accent.the 1st time i went to America was when me and Cher were about 12 years old and we went to Disney world in Florida.people talked really funny there...or maybe we talked funny.

'you sound funny to them and they sound funny to you its the way of life' Taylor butted in 'stop tryin to be deep its weridin me out' i shot back at her.

"15 minutes it is....but your waffles will have to be 15 times better" i mumbled walking over to a pair of seats in the waiting area there was a straight Blonde,a curly brunette, and a slightly wavy Carmel hair colored girl all  talking on the coach next to were i was going to sit.curly was talking about dance and the X-factor.i didn't think much about them and took my seat on the comfy chair .Cher came and sat next to me.

"you know that host is givein you the evil eye"Cher whispered to me.

"i know...i can feel her eyes just stuck on me..i mean I'm not the most attractive person but she doesn't have to look at me the way i look at sprouts" i whispered back takein out my phone and txted paisley.paisley was my dance partner/buddy/trainer, and friend.we had been friends ever since i started dancing.i used to be a dancer but Cher caught me singing in my room and i couldn't get out of it.

"stop it" Cher said looking over at me

"stop what?" i asked not lookin up from my phone.paisley wasn't textin back 'shes probably doin somethin' Taylor said 'no really'i said sarcastically trying to focus on my angry birds.the group of girls next to us got quiet.'Weird' i tought to myself

"stop saying your ugly" Cher said.

"its true"i said tuckin my phone away because angry birds is imposable to complete.

"Well that's a loud of rubbish...your super pretty" wavy Carmel said smiling over at me.

"thanks"i said flashing back my teeth and dimples

"I'm Eleanor" she said sticking out her hand and i shook it politely.

"Madi"i introduced myslef.

She pulled away her hand and introduced her friends"this is Danielle"she said pointing to curly.Danielle smiled and waved slightly."and this is Perrie" she said pointing to Blondie.

"Nice to met you" Perrie said sticking out her hand and shaking mine.

"This is my sister,Cher"i said gesturing to Cher. they all waved to her.

"so where you from?"Danielle asked soching forward on the couch.

"we're from here"i said causally.we made small talk like this for a little while.Cher talked to Perrie and Eleanor.i talked to Danielle.she kinda reminded me of Leona Lewis...witch is kinda funny because 'Bleeding Love' came on while we were talkin.Perrie started to hum/whisper sing it so i joined in on sing then Cher joined in.Perrie has an amazing voice.she should try out for X factor.

"Table for 3"the host called out.

"That's us"Eleanor said standing up pulling down her lacey cream coloured skirt to the right length.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2013 ⏰

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