Chapter 12: Someone Better

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Kane and I walked to the kitchen, attracted by a wonderful smell like no other. I knew the source. We were greeted by the colorfulness of Sabrina's kitchen that I absolutely loved. It was like traveling back in time to kindergarten.

Kane and I sat at the table with everyone else, me in my favorite purple chair and Kane next to me in a blue one. Everybody was chatting absentmindedly when my stomach decided to make a dying whale noise.

All eyes were on me. I hugged my stomach as my cheeks burned and broke out a cheesy grin. "I think you need to hurry up, babe," Nate told Sabrina, laughing. "I know. I heard Ana's stomach for itself," Sabrina answered with a smirk on her face.

"Meanies," I pouted. Sabrina sighed to herself, "Well, I guess a certain someone isn't getting my amazing lunch." I glared at her.

"Lunch is served!" Sabrina announced as she set the most beautiful bacon burgers I have ever seen in my life in front of me.

I bounced in my seat as I waited for permission to eat, my mouth watering.

"Dig in," Sabrina laughed. I sunk my teeth into the burger and sighed in delight. The bacon crunched as the cheesy taste filled my mouth. The bread was toasted to perfection and the beef was cooked medium well, just the way I liked it.

We ate in silence,except for the sound of chewing, which meant it was either really bad or really good. I go for the latter.

One by one, everyone finished their burger and left to the living room until Jason and I were the only ones left.

Soon enough, Jason finished his burger but remained seated. "Why don't you go to the living room with everybody?" I mumbled through a mouthful of food. He shrugged and continued to watch me eat in silence, which was kind of creepy.

"You know," he broke the ice, "you deserve someone better." I swallowed my last bite of deliciousness and asked my childhood friend curiously, "Like who?"

Jason got up, walked over to me, bent down, and whispered in my ear, "Like me." Then, he strutted out into the living room leaving me stunned.

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