letter eight

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dear delilah,

You were always a funny friend. Somehow you had this aura around you that always made me crack a smile no matter how sad I felt before. You made me laugh so hard -- no one else could do that.

There are so many memories clouding my mind of us just rolling on the ground and laughing until we started crying. They make me cry when I think of them nowadays.

Delilah, you were so fun to be with. Although you were bossy sometimes which made me cry on the way home from some of our playdates, those happy memories made up for the arguments we had -- or I wish they did. 

Do you remember that time when you were at my house? You ate so many crackers, about three packs, that my mother had started worrying that you would get a stomachache. 

You just shook your head, speaking with a mouth full of food, "No, Mrs. Wylie, I won't get a stomachache. I eat as much as a truck driver does! Maybe I should be a truck driver when I'm older."

That made me crack up and I still remember that. I always loved your sarcastic jokes, Delilah. My humor wasn't as good as yours and it can never be as good as yours.

love, eden

dear, delilah ✔️Where stories live. Discover now