Chapter 4:

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(Disclaimers: The images and media not belong to me, and more importantly the story &characters are owned by the wonderful: chiffon_cake)

" this indicates someone is talking"
' this indicates someone's thoughts'
"This indicates someone talking on
the other line of the phone"


I blinked then raised my eyebrows in confusion. Ai'Pha has never sought him before, or anyone in person. Usually he is always busy, so he usually just texts or calls that person. I just found it really weird. He can't be after N'Ming,can he?

"Me?What for P'Pha?"he asked.

"Well it's about the project that we are to propose as past and reigning Campus moon. Ms.Aniwhatt's gonna e-mail us the options we can choose from. Can you give me your number?So it'll be easy for me to contact you?"Pha said, as he took his phone and handed it to N'Ming.

Ai'Pha looked at me first before returning his attention to N'Ming,who reach for Pha's phone and added his phone number. I can't help but feel annoyed for some reason.

"I can see you're good for lunch N'. Maybe next time we can eat together in our canteen"Pha invited.

"He doesn't want to eat at our canteen"I answered for N'Ming, hoping that Pha would give up in asking him out.

'What the?! It's just lunch Beam!! Why are you acting this way? He's just a junior, no way you like him like that'I tried to convince myself.

"Is that so? Well maybe we can just eat out somewhere,my treat. When we're both free then, I'll text you and see you around N' "Pha said.

"Bye P'Pha, thanks for dropping by"Ming said, as he then continued eating his food.

Ming noticed I stopped touching my food and just played with it using my fork.

"Au. Not eating anymore P'?"he asked.

"Uh yeah.. I lost my appetite, it's fine I'll wait 'til you finish eating to leave"I replied.

"Not good P', you still have classes in the afternoon. I don't want you to pass out from hunger. Can I buy you something else?"he offered.

"I'll be okay, it's not the unusual for me to skip lunch anyway"I said.

"Hold out your hand P' "he instructed.

I did what I was told to do and held out my hand. He took out some snacks he had in his bag and handed it to me.

"But N'-" I started but was cut off by him.

"No but's P', just bring and eat them for me?Please? I don't want to worry"he insisted.

"Fine. Thanks for this"I replied.

"What is this sorcery?Mingkwan not seeking out chicks and sharing his snacks with somebody else?"the taller one spoke.

"Why do you guys seem surprise?"I asked them.

"Because P', this guys used to chase a lot of girl then switched to P'Kit. And when it comes to his snacks,he never shares them with anyone. You're the first one he ever gave some to"the shorter one said.

"Oi!Stop spreading lies"Ming said, feeling embarassed.

I smiled as I took the snacks and put them in my bag. I waited for him to be done with his meal. Once he was done,he walked me towards the gate.

"Drive safe P', don't forget to eat the snacks"he reminded.

"I won't. You should head back, break's almost over right?"I asked him.

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