Chapter Forty-Nine: An Important Discussion

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Blainey woke up on Thursday morning, preparing to leave for school, and found that someone had texted her at 6:05. It was Altair.

"Could you possibly meet me in the Capitol lobby after your school today for an important discussion?"

Blainey hesitated for a second, and then replied that she would.

All through her classes, Blainey was itching to leave the school, and at lunch she even thought about skipping her later classes so she could hear what Altair had to say. Would it be about the Virus? Would it be about how he had attacked her? Despite how much she tried to forget, it was hard for Blainey to shake from her mind how Altair had been so unlike himself when his eyes had flashed with uncharacteristic ferocity, when he had pounced from the floor at her like an animal.

When the school day was finally over, Blainey made her way to the Capitol and entered the lobby. It was filled with the usual crowds, but that didn't stop Altair from finding her within the first five seconds.

"Blainey!" he said, beckoning to her. "Let's go somewhere upstairs so we aren't overheard."

Confused, Blainey followed him into the secret elevator in the corner.

Right as the door shut, Altair said, "I'm sorry to keep you waiting all day. If you don't already think I'm crazy, you probably will after this."

Blainey cocked her head as the elevator began to climb the Capitol. "I don't think you're crazy."

"I haven't heard from you at all for the past week," he pointed out. "You either think I'm crazy, or you're still afraid of me."

"I told you already," said Blainey uncomfortably, "I'm not afraid of you. The Virus happens to all of us in the capital. It happens to me." She paused, avoiding his eyes. "It was just so unexpected. I didn't want to admit to myself that the Virus was back."

"Neither did I," Altair replied. "So... you're not afraid of being alone with me?"

Blainey shook her head. "No, I'm not. As long as you're not afraid of being alone with me." She met his gaze and added, "...Next time, though, let's bring apples and cheese that are already sliced, huh?"

A small smile finally crossed Altair's face. "Agreed."

The elevator stopped at floor 250, and the two of them began searching for a place to sit where they wouldn't be disturbed.

"How are the scratches I gave you?" Altair asked, gesturing to Blainey's legs. "Do they hurt at all?"

Blainey shook her head. "They're fine now; they've almost healed. How are your hands?"

Altair displayed his hands, so deeply gouged with pink scars that Blainey wondered how he could still use them. "...It hurts a bit." He shrugged, having nothing else to say.

They chose a small conference room in the south corner of the 250th floor and Altair shut the door behind them. "Alright... so, you're probably very curious about what I've figured out."

"I am," said Blainey, taking a seat.

Altair commenced in pacing the room. "Do you remember what we read a few weeks ago in the Creu-Nhau file?"

"Yes," Blainey replied. "The Virus was supposed to be used for telepathy."

"Right. Now that the Virus is back," said Altair, "we might actually be able to use it for its original purpose. What if, instead of trying to resist the Virus, we could somehow embrace it for our benefit?"

"Embrace it?" Blainey exclaimed.

"Yes! And somehow get it to bend to our will instead of its own. Blainey, what if we could actually use it for telepathy?"

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