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The year is 3052, earth hardly has changed since 2020, the only thing has changed there is no longer a pandemic. People are still misunderstood, the education system hasn't changed. Some people even say we are more like before 2020. The reason I pick this year is because that was the last time anything major happened other than 3052 the newest important thing to happen.

What is special about this year?

An Abnormal is born, the first one.


Abnormal, a person with abilities which cannot be explained, in more basic terms they have superpowers. Something more than the average human abnormal- aka why they are called the abnormals.

They are called Sam they has blood-red hair and orange eyes which compliment his coffee brown skin matching his chocolate chip freckles. Sam has a personal demon at their side, the demons name is Damien. Damien has black hair that messes up o matter how much gel you put it in, which emphasise his cookie dough like skin, which make his pale green eyes look bright. But has the ability to grown horns if made extremely angry. He is a physical being unlike other demons he has been able to have a physical form being to disappear and appear at will, often compared with Cheshire cat because his eyes and wide fanged-filled smile are the last thing to disappear. But being born in a religious society they were disowned by their parents and forced to leave town as he was a demon, something unacceptable in their society.

At this time they were famous and everyone tried adopting them, but the government took them away giving them a special place to stay. We never heard news about them and conspiracy theorist were everywhere, trying to work out what had happened. The funny thing is that we found out that scientist were actually testing out these theories, because they were struggling to find out what had happened. I remember when I found out about it, I was obsessed to find out what happened since I was ten and still at the age of 38 I still am.

I write this and hope the government don't find this.

But if I find writing from journals or letters or anything I will put it in this book, so eventually me or someone else will connect the dots find out what happened. Maybe it will be me, possibly someone else or maybe you dear reader. Maybe you too are obsessed maybe you find out what happened but if I don't still own the journal that means I am dead.

The year is 4000, 28 years later and its still the same but the abnormals are cast outs. Why? Wouldn't they be useful to society, to the government. But yet if found must be turned into the government.

I am at the oldest known hospital that was inhabitanted by abnormals, I am looking for anything that can be useful. I will record later.

It is about an hour later and I have found a lot so be prepared. If you have anything important if you read this add it please. Carry on my search.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2020 ⏰

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