#1 Request Wolffe

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Request: Maybe one about Commander Wolffe helping a wounded reader after their gunship got shot down but the reader's wounds are slowly killing them. (Im adding a twist to your twist lol) Y/n = Your name Y/nn = Your nickname

"Gunship 1214 where are you?" Commander Wolffe called into his comlink

"Wolffe we........craaa...." Y/n began

Y/n tried to call into a comlink as it cut out. After hearing the crackling audio Commander Wolffe immediately knew something was wrong. Normally if her com would cut out she would immediately call him back to let him no she was ok. But, this time there was no second call.

"WOLFEE! Gunship 1214 crashed and were heading to their last known location to rescue the survivors. The 501st and their medic will meet us there." Jedi General Plo Koon told his Commander

All the negative thoughts ran through Wolffe's head about what could happen to Y/n. She could be dead..... "NO! I can't think that she's a Jedi. She will be fine Wolffe there's nothing to worry about." Wolffe kept trying to reassure himself. To him it felt like he was constantly being stabbed in the heart not knowing if Y/n was safe.

Once they arrived on the crash site Commander Wolffe immediately dropped to his knees. Seeing Y/n trapped under the gunship hurt him. Wolffe was so grateful for his helmet nobody was able to see the tears streaming down his face, they could just hear the soft sniffing noises.

As Wolffe ran to the cashed gunship he grabbed Y/n's hand "Y/n it's... it's going to be ok.. ok im here now." he began to say crying

"Wolffe.. I...im scared...don't leeaavee.." Y/n began to stutter out while also passing out

"Wolffe you need to move. I'm going to use the force to pick the gunship off her then Kix is going to run in and move her." Plo Koon told him

As Commander Wolffe let go of Y/n's hand and took a step back Plo Koon began to lift up the gunship. Once it began to lift off of Y/n she began to scream from the pain. As soon as Wolffe heard the screams erupt from Y/n's mouth he began to cringe. In her abdomen there was a big piece of metal sticking out.

"WOLFFE GET OVER HERE NOW!" Kix screamed out "She needs to stop screaming it won't help her or us."

"Y/nn please please stop." Wolffe whispered to her while holding her hand

"General Skywalker, where's the shuttle to the Resolute? We need to get out of here now!" Kix asked

"It's right here Wolffe don't worry, she'll be fine, she always is." Anakin replied calmly

While Kix loaded Y/n in the next gunship to take them back to the Resolute Wolffe couldn't stop worrying about what would happen to Y/n next. While they were on the gunship back to the Resolute you could hear Y/n whimpering and crying in pain.

* Ok so here's the problem I am way too attached to this now and I am making 2 endings to this one shot. Ending 1 is positive and Ending 2 not so positive. So you can have the ending you would like. Sorry about this weird note : )

Ending 1 begins here :)

While Kix loaded Y/n in the next gunship to take them back to the Resolute Wolffe couldn't stop worrying about what would happen to Y/n next. While they were on the gunship back to the Resolute you could hear Y/n whimpering and crying in pain.

Once they arrived on the Resolute there was a team of medic's there waiting to take Y/n back into surgery.

"She has shrapnel in her chest area that will cause her to bleed out if we're not careful. She is going in and out of consciousness from shock and blood loss. Be careful or she won't make it." Kix began

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