What the Fuck, Hinata?!?!

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~Not Edited~

(Daddy kink, orgasm denial, humiliation/embarrassment kink)

Hinata, Suga, Noya, and Oikawa were all hanging out, having grown closer over time. So, being as close as they were, they made a bet.

They would all wear vibrating butt plugs, all of them at the highest setting. After putting it at the correct setting, everybody would give another person their remote to ensure nobody was cheating.

Everybody was confident they would win, or at least come in third, thinking that Hinata was too innocent and untouched to even last over five minutes. So, everybody bet $100 with $25 being knocked off every time somebody lost.

Hinata was absolutely positive that he would win.

He had spent hours without cumming.

He had even spent hours without cumming, just to have Kageyama leave, and only come back when he was flaccid. That time was torture for Hinata, but he's not gonna lie, he loved it.

Hinata loved being dominated and used, it was just what he liked.

So even if he didn't get to cum, Hinata was still mindblown with pleasure.

Yeah, Hinata was confident he would win with his kinky ass.


The boys had found the perfect time to go through with the bet; when everybody and their partners would come to a restaurant to hang out.

Nobody of the group had told their boyfriend about the bet, and nobody had any plans to.

Except for Hinata.

Kageyama had a very strict rule that -unless given permission to do otherwise- Hinata was absolutely not allowed to touch himself in any way, meaning no toys.

Hinata was always up to be a good, obedient boy, so he almost never got into trouble- yes, that pretty much completely contradicts his entire personality, but that's different. Hinata is always up to be a good, obedient boy for his daddy and nobody else.

Kageyama was informed about the bet before Hinata even agreed. Hinata had to make sure his daddy was okay with him doing it before even showing interest in it. Kageyama had let Hinata cum after only 45 minutes as a treat for going out of his way to follow the rules. With a 45 minute wait, Hinata got the best of both worlds: being manhandled and used as well as getting to cum earlier than usual.


At the restaurant, 

everybody already

has their plugs

going at full power.


Most participants were looking uncomfortable, glancing around to see if anybody was close. What surprised them was that Hinata was indifferent, talking and laughing like normal.

Noya whispered at Oikawa to check the remote, and he fumbled until he got it stable in his hands, seeing that it was indeed on the highest setting. Was it broken? No, they all tested them before, so how was their innocent baby not affected?

Suga was the first to cum, silently biting down on his sleeve and tapping Noya to turn it off.

Next was Noya, clenching his teeth and kicking Hinata under the table.

Oikawa came about a minute after Noya, covering his groan with a cough and throwing a crumpled up napkin over at Suga.

By then it had been about seven minutes, and Hinata was just sitting there, even bouncing a little when he got excited. Kageyama had a knowing smirk on his face while he caressed Hinata's sensitive neck.

By then Noya, Suga, and Oikawa were all gawking at Hinata.

"Wha- How?!" Oikawa said after about an hour, only loud enough for the people at their table to hear.

"What do you mean 'how'?" Kageyama asked, still knowing exactly what was going on.

Oikawa looked around before whispering, "Hinata, how have you not cum yet?"

Kageyama laughed a little, while putting more pressure on Hinata's neck, and yet he still stayed indifferent. Only Kageyama could tell the little signs that he felt good. The little twitch in his foot, his belly contorting, eyelids turned the slightest bit together, and the way he would sneakily bite his lip.

"What's going on?" Asahi stepped in.

"We made a bet, who could last the longest without cumming," Noya started, making three out of eight people's eyes widen. "And Hinata won! And he still hasn't cum yet!"

Everybody's eyes were on the couple, and Hinata's face was burning, but he didn't mind the embarrassment. It was a kink he had explored and quite liked.

"Oh my god, so you really want him to cum that bad?" Kageyama said, rolling his eyes and a hidden smirk smeared on his face.

"Yes! If we went down, he's at least gonna fall!"

"Fine, Fine," Kageyama murmured, turning his attention to his boyfriend.

His fingers dug roughly into Hinata's skin, "be as loud as you please."

Everybody heard that, and all of their eyes were blown wide open.

Hinata immediately started moaning softly, keeping it down because they were in public. If they were at home, he would never hold back.

Kageyama applied even more pressure to his middle and ring fingers, rubbing harsh circles on Hinata's neck, leaving him reduced to quiet, silent moans and a soft 'ah ah ah' before Kageyama whispered in a rough voice, "cum."

And so he did.

Hinata came with a high pitched whine that had his back arching and his toes curling. Orgasms could literally never be boring or not pleasurable with Kageyama.

The rest had their jaws down, with wide eyes that looked as if they opened any more, they would show their eye sockets.

Hinata rested his head on Kageyamas shoulder with a happy hum, and he moved his arm so that it would be wrapped around his boyfriends waist and he had a sleeping Hinata on his chest.

Kageyama sighed as he looked at the forgotten food and got a box to take it home.

Hinata was carried to Kageyama's house and the couple got ready for the school day to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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