"Soooo......what's up?"

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"I'LL TELL YOU WHAT'S UP! YOU SMACKED ME YOU.." Alexander knew well would would happen to him if he had actually said it. After all he knew better then to insult "family". He went back to his room knowing that Eric would tell mom and dad what he was about to say. He was ready to get beaten as usual. As soon as he stopped crying back to his textbook he was! Studying languages was a good past time for him, however Hawaiian was especially his favorite! Whatever it was about it he knew where he wanted to be in 20 years, in the ocean without a single care in the world. "ALEXANDER YOUNG MAN YOU GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE"......yep. Just another day for Yagi- I mean Alexander...

(Heyo guys welcome to my first book! If you have any suggestions please share it! Have a fantastic day!)


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