/1/ pilot

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(Edit: the bits in Italic are for when she's talking about her friends or her life, outfit at the top)

"Is that a towel warmer?" Kiara my best friend asked as she walked up to me, with an annoyed look on her face.
Kiara or Kie as we call her, is my best friend, she cares for the environment and is a nature freak. she obsessed over turtles and how they need help, she is the only other girl in the group which I like because let's just say I don't get on with girls that much but when it came to Kiara we just clicked I guess, shes also a rich kid unlike us, so I don't get why you hangs out with us. Kiara is a badass and won't be scared to tell you something straight to your face but she's a very kind-hearted girl who will never physically hurt anyone or anything. Also when she don't hang with us she's props saving turtles or getting a dolphin tattoo!

"yeah, I'm pretty sure it is Kie" I don't know why I answer her I mean, I know she already knew what it was but then again she probably wanted me to answer otherwise she would have just got straight to complaining about it and how the turtles are dying. I was snapped out of my thought when kie walked back out of the house to where the boys where.

"This is horrible" Kiara started, here we go Kies gonna have one of her rants.

" This used to be a turtle habitat you know but why save turtles if you can wipe your ass with hot towels" Kiara rolled her eyes and looked up at John B who had one foot dangling off the roof asking if he should jump, Kie replied to his question saying "can you please not kill yourself."

John B or JB as me and Pope like to call him is the leader I guess, he's the kind of guy who lives in the moment. he doesn't worry about the past or the future. JBs dad vanished a while back and hasn't been seen or heard from since everyone believes he's dead but John B believes that his dad is missing and not dead and I know from experience it's hard to believe your parents are dead but sometimes you just have to come back to reality and realise that they are, he's also going through the process of foster care now because his uncle didn't come and stay with him while his dads 'missing' but after all of that JB still sees the good in things and that's what I love about him.

"Don't spill that beer, I'm not giving you another one" JJ warned John B from where he was sat.
Now, where do I start with JJ... he is probably the craziest person I have ever met, he spends his days smoking weed, drinking beer, surfing and hanging out with us. Whenever I'm around JJ it's always fun maybe because we both just sit around and get high off our faces. JJ always seems to be able to make me laugh no matter how angry I am, he will always be the first one to comfort me whenever I'm upset and I am so grateful for that. JJ and I are really close so anybody that ain't a pogue always assumes were dating since we apparently to close and are normal all over each other. I'm not gonna deny the fact that I do find JJ attractive and i do like him a bit more than a friend but I could never let anyone know because of this certain rule; No pogue on pogue macking which I find so stupid but it's whatever. Also JJ is literally the best surfer I know but don't tell him I said that!!

"whoah ah, shit" John B screamed as he slipped and the beer fell out his hand landing on the decking bellow him.

"of course you did like right when I told you" JJ complained while the rest of us gave sarcastic remarks under are breaths, such as smooth or dumbass.

"Hey uh, security here. Let's wrap it up" Pope said while looking out at the security guards car.
And lastly, we have Pope he's the smart one out of all of us, he likes the golden boy of the group, he caring towards others and never lets someone down. He works for his dad helping people out with their groceries. Popes different from JB he focuses on working on his future instead of just living in the moment. He's also way different from JJ, I mean I don't think Pope has ever smoked before let alone tried weed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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