Beseech your LORD!

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Some said 5G network is the cause of tragedy,
This world of technology is immensely greedy,
I guess, this long severe episode was total nill,
Lot of trending data and tradition remedy is nil.

In media, unapproved information is in the air,
If it happens to be dinkum, is it going to be fair?
Doctors and scientists said the news is not real,
and legibly no specific domain had her own deal.

Every indoors, 'cause of contagious virus's fear,
Now we've to beseech and run to our own dear,
Worldwide, each one is now striking with no bills,
Reckoning is the increased of uncountable kills.

Nature lights as typical blueprints went dim,
Then no one has a true road map to the gym,
Social people are running from other's looks,
and got hard time to put their face on books.

People including the WHO are now hopeless,
As the disease causes the death of countless,
Scientists no vaccine, everyone makes a dish,
Forgetting to give up everyone has got a wish.

Body temp measures are  Celsius or the fah,
Done by doctors and for that they merit a hah,
Infected are all, even those children of the pap,
They're now isolated instead of being on the lap,

"Everything that has a beginning," it's you I tell,
For certainly, "must have an end." in that I dwell,
Join hands and ask forgiveness from your Lord,
and hope that effects will be doffed with aboard.

To secede Coronavirus, we have to demonstrate,
Inept! We all have to return to God and prostrate,
God is always present wherever you are, I vow,
remain pious and with clock you will say wow!

(Poem written before invention of Vaccine)

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