My Dog Ate My Homework

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(Scene 1: School)
"Miss Garg, where is your homework?" asked my Maths teacher scowling at me.

"Umm...Ma'am actually, my dog ate it."
And the whole class started laughing.
She cracks a bit too. But regained her composure quickly. "Your dog ate it? How convenient, couldn't you find a better excuse?"

"No ma'am seriously, I swear I did it, it's just that he ate the pages. But I'll submit it to you tomorrow for sure."

"Ok, but get it done by tomorrow. I want it in the first lecture itself. I have my first lecture in 10th A, bring it to me then."

"Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am." I said looking down at my shoes.

The bell rang, and the class got over. (Class in Unison)
'Thankyou ma'am!'

"Be afraid of God, my child. He is watching us" My best friend smirked deviously.

"If God is watching us, the least we can do is be entertaining." I retorted.

(Both Best friends laughed Heartily)

(Scene 2: Humble Abode)

"When are you going to have your dinner? It's already 11." Mumma enquired.

"Just in few minutes momma, I gotta finish this, and then I'll have my dinner."

"But you can do this after your dinner, first have your dinner, then continue with it."

"Fine, momma!!"

(Returning to room after having dinner)


"BUDDY WHAT DID YOU DO? You ate MY HOMEWORK!!, bad buddy bad boy. C'mon let's get outta here!"

"Momma momma, buddy ate my homework, why is he off leash?"

(Dad while working on his laptop)
"Stop yelling, you should have kept everything out of the way, it's your fault."

Momma: I tried getting him out of the room but he won't budge and you were eating dinner, am I supposed to look after everything, I only have two hands and two legs.

(Leaving the room, muttering to myself)
"No point of saying anything at all, I gotta figure out a way, or I am finished tomorrow! Let's get back to work!!"

I enter into my room, and open the drawer of my study table, there lies my time machine. I quickly fix the exact time 11:05 P.M. and here we go. Everything around starts spinning. Slow at first. And then faster.

(The Past Present)
I wind up in my room and there's nobody in it. Means I just left for dinner. Right on time.

(As I switched on the lights, I heard footsteps approaching)
I gotta hide but where? ALMIRAH! I hurried towards it and shut the door (Bang!). That was close.

"Ayushi.....oh my god, she left the lights on! What am I going to do with this girl." Mumma muttering to herself.

She switched off the light and shut the door. I came out of my Almirah and switched on the lights again. I was waiting for buddy and there he comes wagging his tail.

I started chasing him away, but his eyes sockets are wide open, holding my eye contact, tongue sticking out of his mouth, challenging me for a play. "That's exactly what I needed right now." I said sarcastically.

(Footsteps approaching) Am I hearing things or someone is coming this way, shit I need to hide again.

"Oh my god, didn't I just switched off the lights few minutes ago , and what are you doing here? Chalo, come out." He starts barking...."what happened bacha? Why are you barking? There is nothing in the Almirah. Buddy let's go out. Let's go sit outside." He keeps barking. "Then stay here, you doesn't listen anymore."

Mumma closed the door and as I was getting out, my earring got stucked in my gown. "Oh god, ab ye bhi abhi Hona tha, uffff finally." As soon as I got out I saw buddy eating the pages of my homework, and it's all Torned and shit.

Damn it!!. I check my clock. It's about to be 11:30. The other me must be returning anytime soon. I need to leave now or I am doomed.

(The Present Present)
Back in my room I perched on my bed and started thinking about that stupid hook, if only it hadn't got stucked at the wrong time, I would have saved my homework. All the events started replaying in my mind. And then it hit me like a bulldozer. SHIttttttttttt!!!!!

How can I be so stupid! It has been me all along, I ruined my homework, my mother closed the light, buddy would not have entered the room ever cause he is afraid of the dark, it was me who opened it and let him in. Damn it damn it damn it.!!!

(Scene 3: School)
Oh my god, oh my god....its fifth period already, and uptill now i've only got my half homework done. I am so screwed. And there she comes.

"Yes Miss Garg, you didn't come to me in the first period, where's your homework? Did your dog ate it again?"

"Ummm, yes ma'am!" The whole class started laughing again.

"What? Do you take me as a fool?"

"No ma'am, he ate it again. But....

"Enough, Get out of my class, if only you took your homework seriously, you would have completed it, instead of making excuses. Out, NOW!!"

(She left the class with tears in her eyes, I feel bad about it. But she deserves it. Or she'll never learn.)

Holy hell! What kind of dream was that? And why was I dreaming about her? If she only paid attention in the class, she could do so much better. She owns so much potential and her imagination in the dream was so blue-sky. Oh! It's almost time, I should get ready. Must make a haste!

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