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i passed by a flower shop today.
yes, the same one where we
always used to go.
it was exactly the way
like we saw it last.
remember, the flower pots at
the entrance, and the vines
that used to trail all the way down to
the ground in front of the gate.
the way you found
it to be oh so beautiful.
and your favourite flowers,
lilies and roses.
just wanting someone to hold them
and give it to someone as a token of their love.
i bought those,
sadly, i can't give it to you.

"wow, kook these are so beautiful."
you take the flowers from his hands
and hug him,"thankyou baby"
"i wanna take you somewhere tomorrow,
you'll love it" jungkook said with a big smile
on his face.
"can't wait."

the joy on your face after we
reached the flower shop was unexplainable.
you loved it instantly.
wanting me to buy you more flowers,
you took my hand and rushed inside with me.
and we got you
lilies and roses
your favourite.

the flower shop reminds me of you.

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