𝚝𝚊𝚐 𝚙𝚝. 𝚟

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tag from the STUNNING bigknives spam book

tag from the STUNNING bigknives spam book

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1. any scars?
I don't rly think this is a scar but I have a weird skin thingy- okay- STORYTIME

I was 4-6 and my siblings and cousins were playing on my aunts exercise equipment

we were on a treadmill which the treadmills end was on a wall with a tiny slit of space between the end of the treadmill and the wall.

my cousin goes: be careful it's going rly fast.

and I don't care so I get on and I just go flying toward the wall

I get stuck in that small space and scratch my back, pinkie finger, and my elbow.

they all healed thankfully but since it's my elbow the skin healed a weird way

2. who do you like?
idk lol

3. kissed anyone?
nope :""")

4. coke or pepsi?
Dr Pepper

5. someone you hate?
okay so there's this news dude on the tv and my sister and I fricken hate him for no reason

I think it's the tone of his voice and how tired and weirdly orange he looks

even though he's only doing his job, I still hate him

6. best friends?
aH my rl friends are these weebs names regina and rebecca

7. dream job?
restore old paintings
become and animator
make a comic

8. ever been in love?

 ever been in love?yes:

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9. last time you cried?
2 days ago cuz I hate myself

10. favorite colors?
rose gold, black, and duller and grayer versions of pink and blue

11. height?
3 cm

12. birthday?
June 23 (happy early b day bigknives )

13. eye color?
dark dark brown

14. hair color?

15. what do you love?
aNimal cRossing

16. obsession?
queen and the beatles (hence my username)

17. if you had one wish, what would it be?
to give everyone 1 million dollars to destroy economy as I watch the world crumble in a secret bunker

or have people stop being absolute shit and have them stop being so hateful

18. do you love someone?

 do you love someone?

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19. kiss or hug?

don't touch me

20. nickname people call you?
well my name is bea
which btw is pronounced: bay-yah
so I don't rly have a nickname

I'm not tagging anyone cuz I'm lazy

~~~AND THATS IT!I'm not tagging anyone cuz I'm lazy

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