Chapter 3

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"Hi Morningkit!" Alderkit exclaimed, "We're your adoptive littermates!"

Morningkit poked her head into the nursery, and replied, "Hi!"

"Oh, Dreamcloud told us not to talk about the dark forest or your parents," Alderkit sniggered, "Well, I don't care about your silly little feelings! Come on, just play with me, you'll regret it if you don't..."

"Shut up, Alderkit!" Barkkit snapped, "You're upsetting Morningkit!

"Shut up, Alderkit!" Alderkit mimicked, "You're upsetting Morningkit!"

"Oh..." Morningkit squeaked, "Well, it's really fine...Barkkit. Thanks."

Barkkit licked Morningkit, hoping that his consolation would work. "It's fine, Morningkit."

"Come on, slow slugs!" Alderkit jeered, "We're playing badger and Flamestar's the badger. I'm leader."

"Let Morningkit have a chance!" Barkkit mewed, "She has had a very horrible past! She's our sister too! And you are always leader!"

"Whatever," Alderkit scoffed, rolling his eyes, "Still the lea-."

"Oh, Flamestar is very busy with his duties as leader," Dreamcloud interrupted, "Let me be the badger."

"Fine," Alderkit growled, "Morningkit, bite the badger's tail!"

"She doesn't take orders from you!" Barkkit shot back, his fur bristling with indignation, "You aren't Flamestar! You're not even Birchbranch!"

"Fine!" Alderkit snarled, turning to face Morningkit, "You are exiled from ThunderClan!"

"Again!" Barkkit spat, digging his claws into the soft earth furiously, "You're not Flamestar or Birchbranch! You can't exile any cat!"

"I'm the leader in this game!" Alderkit retorted, looking ready to rake his claws down Barkkit's flank.

"Who made you leader in this game?" Barkkit hissed.

Alderkit let out a furious yowl and was about to launch himself at Barkkit, but immediately sat down with his ears flattened, his fur bristling, his back arched, and his lip curled in a snarl instead when he realized that Dreamcloud was near him.

A silver she-kit padded into the nursery.

"I heard what Morningkit said!" she hissed, "I speak up in defense of my friend. She does not deserve to be exiled!"

"Says you pitiful little scrap of fur!" Alderkit sneered.

"Come on, Moonkit, Morningkit." Barkkit meowed, "Let's play clan. Morningkit can be the leader."

"No thank you," Morningkit yawned, "I think I might take a nap."

"Hey you can't exclude me!" Alderkit called after them, "That's not fair!"

"It is if you bully us into making us want to die!" Barkkit retorted.

"Whatever," Alderkit sniffed, "I'm not going to play games with you, anyway! You don't deserve my awesomeness!"

"Geez, who made dirt in your fresh-kill?" Barkkit snapped.

Alderkit did not reply. Instead, he stalked over to Morningkit.

"Come on, stupid little brat!" Alderkit smirked, "You mouse-brained little baby!"

"Stop, you flea-bitt-" Barkkit began.

Alderkit whirled around to see Barkkit, curling his lip in entertainment, "Why, little Babykit is being defended by little Kindkit!"

"That's it!" Barkkit yowled, "Morningkit is outstanding, brave, and amazing! I'm telling on you!"

"I don't care, Tattlekit," Alderkit retorted.

"THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALDERKIT, YOU'RE A COMPLETE COWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BULLYING BEHIND YOUR MOTHER'S BACK?????????????? HAVE YOU BEEN THROUGH WHAT MORNINGKIT'S BEEN THROUGH????????????? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Moonkit yowled at the top of her breath, her chest heaving and trying to stop herself from leaping at Alderkit and shredding both of his ears off.


The whole of ThunderClan was watching the kits. Some cats blinked in curiosity; some cats eyes were blazing as they stormed away; and some cats eyes gleamed with laughter.

"Alderkit, you shouldn't have bullied the other kits," Dreamcloud scolded, looking at Alderkit, her icily calm blue eyes piercing into his fur, "You will be spending a half moon in the nursery without coming out."

"You can't make me!" Alderkit taunted.

"Yes she could!" a white she-kit stepped out, looking triumphantly at Alderkit, "She's your mother. Ha, no more bullying for a half moon!"

"I'll wipe that fat smirk off of your face, Icekit!" Alderkit threatened, glaring at the white she-kit.

"Why, I'm sure you won't," Icekit retorted.

"Into the nursery, Alderkit," Dreamcloud ordered, her eyes glowing seriously, "Now."

A wide grin curved on Moonkit's face as she called, "Do that, Alderkit!"

"You can't make me!" Alderkit spat at Moonkit.

"Maybe she can't, but I can!" Dreamcloud yowled, picking up Alderkit by his scruff, taking him into the nursery, and guarding the entrance. 

"Mouse dung!" Alderkit cursed.

Just then, Birchbranch ran into the nursery. His eyes were wide and terrified and his fur was bristling as he trembled.

"What's wrong?" Dreamcloud asked anxiously, sniffing Birchbranch. "You look like all of the ShadowClan cats were trying to kill you, and then a monster almost hit you, and then a fox and badger attacked you, and you were buried in some earth for five hundred moons!"

"Is some cat missing?" queried Barkkit.

Birchbranch nodded.

"Who?" questioned Moonkit.

"Flamestar!" Birchbranch wailed, "Flamestar is gone!"

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