Crossing off Aoyama and Todoroki

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"Oh god, it is." Aizawa said.

"Wait- so he took the notebook and then tried to cover up his evidence? I don't get why it was only that camera that he tried to disable." I said.

"I don't know. Let me go get Aoyama and we can ask him about it." Aizawa said leaving in a hurry.

I huffed. I can't wait for these kids to realize that I got this far without friends and I don't need them. I can't wait for the day they stop bothering me about being their friend. I can't wait for the day I'm alone again.

"(Y/N)? Do you have snacks? Preferably candy apples." She asked.

"Umm, no I don't. Sorry." I said as if I didn't forget she was here.

"Why does Deku say he feels sorry for you?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked now very curious.

"I asked him about you yesterday when he visited me and he said you are really lonely and sad so he feels bad." She said.

"If you see him again tell him he doesn't need to worry because I'm not lonely and sad." I said with tears stinging in my eyes.

"Okay! I'm glad, but he looked so sad while talking about you." She said pouting a little.

"Oh well, you must be tired from playing Pirates. Why don't you go to your room? If you have one, that is." I said.

"I'm not tired at all. I'll just visit Lemilion." She said running out of the room.

I sat alone for about 5 more minutes before Aizawa arrived with Aoyama. I scooted my chair away from him as he sat down on the chair next to me.

"So, why am I here?" He said with a fake French accent.

"Why do you have Kirishima's notebook? You stole it in the middle of the night which is creepy and suspicious. Also why were you trying to disable the camera? All the footage would have been there." I said.

"Okay, I understand how bad it looks but I panicking about the test and I heard him brag about his notes, so I took the notebook. Then I thought the camera caught me so I was going to get the memory file and delete that footage and then no one would know." He said pouting like a little kid.

"Wait- so you put all that effort into cheating on a test?" Aizawa asked

"You have no idea how scared I was to fail." He said.

"Normally I would expel you but at this point I'm just glad you aren't a villain. Do this again and you will be expelled." Aizawa said.

"Okay, it won't happen again sir." He said stiffly.

"Got it, now go back to the dorms. I have to talk to her." He said gesturing to me.

Aoyama left and the tension in the room left with him. "Was he telling the truth?"

"Yeah, that was kinda funny." I said.

"Anyway, do you think Todoroki is suspicious?" He asked.

"Well, seeing as his dad is Endeavor and he seems to have some problems and his possible connection with the villain Dabi, I think we should stay suspicious but also he could just not like kids. I would hate to assume who he is because of his trauma and family but there is always a possibility." I said.

"Okay, well keep an eye on him for me please." Aizawa said.

"Got it. I was just wondering, why are you always so tired?"

"I work night shift as a hero then I'm a teacher during the day." He said huffing.

"That's really unhealthy... you could go insane sir." I said with wide eyes.

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