chapter one

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That annoying alarm blaring is the first thing I hear every morning. I groaned and opened my eyes lazily. Feeling the grogginess from the sleeping pill they force us to take to make us go to sleep. As usual, the terrifying thoughts started attacking my mind before I could form any other thoughts.

What drugs are they going to force into me today?

What are the side effects going to be like?

Am I going to die today?

Shocking as it is, this is just a normal everyday thing in the life of me, Test Subject #0347. Yeah, I don't even have a name. But that's just how things are inside the facility. No one has names. Everyone has a four-digit number insinuating who they are. Even the staff and doctors have codes.

"Get up." A voice penetrated my thoughts.

I looked up to see one of the staff looking at me with contempt. I didn't even hear her come in.

I wordlessly nodded and shuffled my way into the small bathroom. I heard my room door open and shut and let out a sigh. I looked at myself in the mirror, seeing a haunted girl looking back at me. My light green eyes were lifeless and empty, my face gaunt and tired looking. My olive skin was dull and ugly. I took my curly brown hair out of the ruffled ponytail it was in and watched it fall to my waist softly. The only thing I loved about me was my hair. Somehow, it manages to stay bright and fluffy even when the rest of me was dull.

I took out my comb and yet again, fell into a never-ending pit of thoughts that all screamed; Who am I?

This was the constant thought that plaques my mind when I have nothing to do. All I remember is one day waking up in this place with no memories of a prior life. I don't know who I am, how old I am, and how I got there. I've been a Test Subject here since.

Taking a quick shower and realizing I had no time to waste, I quickly slipped on my uniform. A loose gray shirt paired with matching pants. I stuffed my feet into the shoes provided and exited the room.

I walked down the white hallway to the cafeteria, squinting my eyes because of the harsh white lighting. There was no other person in the hallway, just me and my wandering thoughts. I turned a right another corridor and bumped into someone.

Shell shocked, the only thing I could do was look up. My eyes locked with a pair of gorgeous azure blue's. I shamelessly raked my eyes over the handsome face and took note of the slender nose and heart-shaped lips. Blushing, I looked down, apologized and walked away. But I couldn't help but sneak a glance back at the brunette that I bumped into.

Calming my racing heart, I walked into the cafeteria and headed towards the seat assigned to me, and looked at the tray of food sitting on the table. Today, there were two slices of whole-wheat bread. a square of non-fat butter, two sausages and 3 strips of turkey bacon, along with a glass of lukewarm milk. I sat down and started eating.

My only friend in this place came and sat next to me, Test Subject #0764. She looked at me warmly and gave me a silly grin. With her silver-grey eyes and blonde hair, she was quite the eye catcher. But she too, had been worn down and dulled with all the tests that they put us through.

  "Hey girl!" She greeted me quietly.

"Hey." I gave her the curt reply.

"What's got you so in the dumps?" She said, taking a huge bite of the buttered toast.

"You know, the usual." I took a sip of my milk and looked at her.

Test Subject #0764 has been my cafeteria seatmate since I came here. We confided in each other about everything, but weirdly, she doesn't even remember a prior life. Same as me, and most likely every other Test Subject here. She knows all about me and I know all about her. Well; as much as we both know about ourselves at least.

"Ah, I see. I've been feeling the same way and I just want some answers you know? Who am I? Why am I here? Did I even have an outside life? It's so frustrating I just feel like pulling my hair out." She ranted, laying her head on my shoulder, sighing loudly after finishing her little speech.

"Ugh, same. I feel like there's something missing." I sighed, Resting my head on her head.

We quickly finished breakfast and we were escorted to our separate pods and left there. The pods were really simple, it was all white and there was a simple bed with several machines and needles resting on the shelf at the side. The bed had wheels so they could escort us out in the beds and dump us on our room beds after the tests had been carried out.

One of the staff came in with an un-labelled bottle and set it down on the shelf and retrieved a needle. He cleaned the needle and prepared my arm for injection. I didn't even flinch as he inserted the needle, being so used to the feeling that it doesn't even bother me anymore.

He finished up, hooked me to the machines and left. The pods also had a glass window from which the doctors and staff watched and made observations.

I laid there, staring up at the ceiling, waiting for the effects to kick in.
wow hi i finally started writing. i know this may not be the longest or the best chapter but i have huge plans and plot twists for this book. this may seem bland but trust me this is gonna get interesting. just a heads up, this book is gonna be under heavy editing while im writing and even after i finish writing. ok cool bye
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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