What's the point

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{A/N so most of the characters are gonna be Ooc and if that's a problem you don't have to read it, I wanted a snarry fic and I'm projecting about the artist bit}

~Snape's Pov~

I groaned stumbling into the wall a bit, as I looked around to make sure no one saw I let out a sigh of relief. the dark lord called a meeting and punished me, then albus made me sit there for over 4 hours going over the same thing.

Being a spy is difficult enough but having two equally ridiculous masters (and cruel if I'm feeling especially vindictive) makes it all the worst. I just want to sleep but for the life of me I can't I have to grade terrible papers from the absolute idiots I teach. I don't think I'll be able to sleep for two maybe three hours.

I sighed heavily and pulled myself together stalking down the hall and to my rooms deeper into the dungeons where even my snakes don't wander. i need to gather my things and go to my office.

once there I grabbed all the essentials a relief potion for my pounding head and my art supplies Aswell as my quill and red ink. After all, if I have to suffer through the dreadful essays. I can make it enjoyable for myself, no?

~Time Skip brought to you by Albus Dumbledore's ugly robes~

I sighed as I got halfway through the essays "this is an adequate place to take a break" I mumbled to myself. leaning back and rolling my shoulders, I got up groaning. Walking over to the "sitting room" in my office, more of a small area really. I grabbed my sketch book and a stick of charcoal and sat down letting my mind go.by the time id snapped back to awareness I managed to get done just about an entire piece.

Unfortunately for me that piece featured him, my infatuation if you will. I don't think I've ever hated anything more (and I loathe James potter, the twat) than I do myself for loving him. Not only is he to young but I knew his mother, his father bullied me for petes sake not to mention that day.

I shook myself "don't think about that it was a mess and she was terrifying" I told myself "Wasn't even my bloody fault" I grumbled I need to pull myself together and hide this picture somewhere because I can't afford for it to be found.

~3rd person Pov~

if anyone other than the artist was there to see the mostly finished artwork on the table, they'd see a beautiful visage of harry potter, savior of the wizarding world.it featured harry torso up in his robes with a black snake with gleaming black eyes curled around him, though it didn't look as though it was there to harm.

it looked more protective...almost loving if a snake could be such a thing. The only thing the artwork lacked was the boy's green eyes. They looked like they'd been left blank on purpose as if the artist couldn't bear to fill the space with black in place of his Avada Kadarva colored orbs and the signature was nowhere to be found.

~Another Time Skip this one brought to you by my lack of idea on how to end this scene~

I sighed in relief as I finally finished with these infernal essays, I'm so utterly tired I think I'd let the Weasley twins pull a prank without even trying to stop them. Sweeping up I left the essays and grabbed my art supplies stalking silently through the halls. as I walked, I slowly pulled to a stop, I swear I bumped into something over by the wall.

I tilted my head slightly in question then glared before growling out "I don't give a fuck what or who you are I'm to bloody tired for this, if you make it so that I do not get rest I will ensure that you fear me until the day you die" before whipping around to continue to my rooms. yes, I know it was dramatic but I'm bloody tired and already well past irritated.

{A/N this is 690 words I wanted to do more but then I wouldn't have ideas for next chapter please be gentle with this ok I'm doing my best}

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