i'm a moth now

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Demi—which she was reasonably sure was short for Demetria, though she wasn't completely confident in that—hadn't seen a trainer in years. So when one of them climbed the snow-covered path up to her home on the mountain peaks, she was very unhappy.

Like any other Frosmoth, she watched the trainer closely—you never knew with humans. They always had a tendency to destroy the beautiful things around them and very rarely cared for anything beyond their own comfort. If Demi had nostrils, she would have sniffed in disgust, but all she would have inhaled was her fuzzy beard.

Quite disgusting, now that she thought about it.

Some Frosmoth who guarded the cold peaks mountains or snowy fields had been abandoned by their trainer. Some unwillingly, others by unfortunate circumstances that could not be prevented. Demi belonged in the former.

She could remember it like yesterday—the day she had opened her eyes, newly hatched from an egg, only to see a large set of soft brown eyes staring at her. It had been a startling experience, but the person quickly calmed her down and introduced himself as Caspian.

"I'm your new caretaker! I hope we'll get along well!"

And indeed, they had.

Demi and Caspian got along wonderfully, always spending time together. When Caspian went to take care of other Pokèmon—for he was a daycare worker—she would come with him, cooly snuggled in a pouch that always hung by his side. Other times, he would sneak her a little extra food, knowing how voracious she was. And during the winter, he would let her roam outside and eat as much snow as she wanted.

She never wanted it to end.

But good things always come to an end.

The first signs of change appeared when Demi evolved from a Snom into a Frosmoth. It had been at the peak of Caspian and her's friendship, and the affection between them had caused her to evolve. And though she was still cute, she was not nearly as cute. Caspian's attention began to waver from her, for she no longer fit in his bag. The other Pokèmon cowered from her, afraid of her icy cold wings that beat in the air as she tried to follow her best friend around. Eventually, Caspian was forced to lock her in her cage to stop the baby Pokèmon from crying.

The second sign of change came when Caspian had given her a floppy disc. The next day, Demi was able to blast a crackling, bright blue beam of pure ice—however, she was unable to control it. Caspian had taken her out to a nearby field and instructed her to cover the field in ice.

That was the first time Demi had defied Caspian—she would not damage the environment around her. From the moment of her birth, she had played hide and seek in the fields. She had met the other Pokèmon who lived here, who relied on the fields. She would not freeze the field. Sure, every year, winter came and made the fields barren, but it was a cycle.

This was not part of that cycle.

"Demi, use Ice Beam!" quickly became "Demetria, if you do not use Ice Beam, right now, you are not leaving your cage for the next week!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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