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The day before graduation was when she seemed the most lively.

  "Let's hang out today!" She cheered as we headed out of school.

  "Don't you seem cheerful today," I teased, twirling my keys on my finger. "Where do you wanna go?" I asked her.

  "Ice cream! On me," she smiled happily.

  "Whatever you say," I smiled happily.

  I wanted to question why she seemed so happy that day, but I thought I knew why. Soon we would be graduating and leaving high school forever. I was excited too.

  We had our usual ice creams sitting in our usual spot. We played around a lot. She asked for a spoon of my ice cream, because she wanted a taste. I held out my spoon to her and as she tried to eat it, I booped her nose with it. She gasped, wiping off her nose. While I was busy laughing, she touched her popsicle and the leaned forward quickly to swipe it on my face.

  That was the first time I ever saw her arms. It was only a quick glance, and I wasn't paying much attention at the time. When I thought about it later, I wished I paid more attention.

  Instead we had an ice cream fight which resulted in us getting kicked out of the parlour. It was fun. We were giggling the entire time.

  Once we left, we went to our place, blasting songs all the way there, belting out each note. When we got to our place, we sat with our feet in the water, as we always did. She leaned on my shoulder and I placed my head on hers. We were comfortable. I could've stayed like that forever, no matter how cold the water was.

  Eventually, we both had to be home, so we had to leave our place. (Y/N) was hesitant. She seemed to linger as we left.

  "Cmon, if I get you home late, your parents will never let me take you places again," I joked, gesturing towards the car.

  She chuckled before getting into the car. The way back was silent. I had one hand on the middle console and one on the wheel. I was paying attention to the road but almost crashed when she slipped her hand under mine. I looked at her in surprise. She had a small smile on her face, reminiscent almost, and she stared forward, not daring to make eye contact. I intertwined our fingers loosely, continuing to drive.

  I stopped outside her home and got out of the car when she did. Before she went into her house, she wrapped her arms tightly around me. It was like if she let me go, she would lose me. I hugged her back, keeping her close.

  "Thank you for today, I enjoyed it," she mumbled.

  "Anything for you," I whispered back to her.

  Before she let go of the hug, she placed a small kiss on my cheek. I was surprised and flustered and too confused to react. She gave me one last squeeze before letting go.

  "Uh... I'll see you tomorrow. It's a big day," I chuckled awkwardly, still flustered at what had just happened.

  "Goodbye Taehyun," she said quietly, tension in her voice as she turned around and headed into her house. Before she went into her house, she turned back around. "Hey Taehyun?"

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Marco," she smiled gently. She was at such a distance that I couldn't see her face clearly.

"Polo," I answered. "I'm right here."

"I know," she whispered, heading into her house.

Marco Polo (Taehyun x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now