Bryan Moore.

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I remember my dad waking me up at 5 a.m. in the morning on day. He took me by the lake and we fished there until somewhere around 11 a.m. I was only 9 that day and I am 18 years old and a senior. Dad had passed away later on, he got sick real bad and my mom has a hard time keeping it together. She has her moments, but I know she tries to make it up for it. We are kinda poor...ok...I lied...We are poor, but thats okay, I guess. I have been working to help her out to pay bills and such. It would make my life a little easier if I only I wasn't fired so many times. I feel like I am just rambling. Gosh, no wonder I don't have many friends, except for Daryl.

Daryl is a low life type of guy that I still talk to since Elementary. I forgot how we even met. Anyways, the bell is about to ring and I am starving.

I make my way through the busy halls, down the stairs and through the doors that leads to the cafeteria.
"Bryan, you're a shit goblin!" Daryl greeted me.
"What the hell do you want?"
"Sara's going to kick my ass again."
This fucker
"For what?"
Daryl shrugged with a confused, but also a smuged face. At this point, Sara, a blond with a black streak busts in the building.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS" she screamed and pulled out her phone and shows a picture of Daryl with some other chick in the men's bathroom.
They both started to scream at each other as the whole cafeteria watched the absurd display.

Sara pushed Daryl and Daryl pushed her back, but harder, which made Sara fall to the ground. She got back up and started to hit him, aiming for his eye. One of the teachers tried to separate them, but he got hit in the eye from Sara trying to swing at Daryl. Eventually the cops came and took Daryl and Sara home for the day. I couldn't ask them about it either. Oh well.

But it was wild.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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