Chapter 6

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Gwen's POV
I stand alone in the hallway of my own personal heaven. The melting snow rest gently on my hair and shoulders. My toes are like ice and I'm pretty sure my shoes are filled with slush and water. A few small tear fall down my cheek, not sad tears but those wonderfully great happy tears instead. I've been here before but not for long, this time I can wonder where ever I may wish. I'm in Yogtowers!
My feet find their own path in the warm halls of the office and I begin to explore. My head glances into Martyn's office.Martyn gives me a wave and a small smile, he waves me to come in. I open the door and walk in, he's editing a plants vs zombies video.

"How are you feeling?" He asks kindly

"I don't feel too different, I'm just dreading the morning sickness." my hand drift to my stomach.

"Kaeyi can't wait to meet you, maybe you could visit some time but be warned she will be jealous of your pregnancy." He offers

"That would be amazing!" I nod. I let him get on with his work and continue with my walk down the halls. I stare at the paintings on the walls. Still looking at one of them I continue forwards, not looking where I was going, I walk into a weeping angle cut out. I look down at my stomach that has yet to form any kind of bump,

"Hey! Stop laughing at me" I joke to the baby that hasn't even got a mouth yet let alone can it laugh. I've been doing that a lot in the past few days, talking to the baby.
I find an empty office with nothing but a window and computer. I turn it on to see what programs are installed. I log onto minecraft and record me messing around with the Yogscast complete pack. When I finally get bored I decide to edit it. I add intro music and make a (slightly bad) animation to go with it. An idea pops into my mind, I sneak into the recording room and play the backing for Nilesy's outro song and sing along changing some of the words then sending the track to my email to add it on.
I rush back to the empty office and finish the video. I watch as the fresh snow settles on the window, there is nothing but a brick wall for a view. Yet I find myself looking at it for a great deal of time, it's like a blank canvas for the mind. Bringing myself back to reality, I press play and watch my video,

"Wow, I didn't know you could edit." Lewis compliments, I give a small squeal out of shock. "Sorry. How long have you known how to edit things?"

"Couple of years. My friend Kitty taught me; Kitty has a small youtube channel so when she went on holiday I would edit for her." I explain.

"I could get some of the editors from upstairs to teach you about our style of editing."

"That'd be cool but why would I..." I begin realising what he's suggesting half way through my sentence, "you want me to work for the Yogscast?"

"I would offer you to be a content provider, you're quite fun to watch but I this job can get stressful at times not to mention some of the hate" he continues, rambling slightly.

"I would love to work for you!" I smile.

"Great, I'll go tell the others."

"all righty." A soon as Lewis leaves the office I do a mini jig in my chair "we're going to work in Yogtowers! Well I am but hey you'll be with me!" ...great I'm talking to the baby again! I do a small skip down the hall to get a drink. I stop in my tracks,

"Toby?" I didn't know he was in the office today

"err, Gwen?" We both just stand there looking at each other "What are you doing here?" he questions

"I'm Hannah and Lewis's surrogate. How come you're here?" I reply "I thought you were in collage."

"No I finished ages ago, my office is upstairs." he explains. Neither one of us has moved. "do you wanna see my office?" he offers.

"sure" He leads me upstairs and into his office at the end of the hall. He's only got one book case, which will soon be full of fan mail judging by some of the other yogs rooms.

"Lewis had a few spare offices so he offered me one" He sits down in his chair then leaps back up "Sorry, do you need to sit down." I'm puzzled for a moment. Toby, unknowingly, gives me a hint and points to my stomach

"Oh. I'm fine thanks. I'm only a couple weeks pregnant so I'll be fine for now." I refuse taking a step back to leave. "thanks, for helping me the other day."

"No problem, who knows what could of happened if I didn't help, especial to the baby." He gives me a smile

"I owe you." I mutter. "See you later." I leave him be and continue to wonder down the halls of yogtowers.I hear my phone go off in my pocket, I pull it out from my bag and freeze. I can't speak to them, not over the phone. I reject the call not making any other movement. 3 missed calls 10 unread messages. 'Gwen. We're having a family get together just before Christmas. It will be great to see your sister, she's been on Broadway you know. Text me back -mum' I can't tell them I'm pregnant; they're really judging. But they're going to find out eventually, looks like I'm going home for christmas.
Authors note
I hope you all had a nice christmas. I wanted to make this chapter a bit longer but I couldn't so sorry it's a bit short.

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