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Most of the music kids are already mingling in the designated meeting room by the time you and Justin walk in, so the action starts almost right away.

"Hey guys, thank you all for coming out to game night! I hope yall have been enjoying the trip so far and us section leaders wanted orchestra and band to get to know each other a little better so that we could have a fun rest of the trip and a fun rest of the year," begins Edea. "This was something we've planned for a while, so we encourage everyone to be yourselves and just have a good time." 

The night started off with a game called Hot Take, which entailed moving to a specific section of a room corresponding to the opinion you shared about funny topics such as "Is a hot dog a sandwich?" or "Should mint chocolate chip ice cream be abolished?". Over time, this got very entertaining for onlookers as you and Ryujin completely mopped the floor when the two of you had the same opinion but caused an infinite back and forth stalemate whenever you disagreed. The next game was Silent Assassin, which involved one person equipping a blindfold and a pool noodle and seeing who could eliminate the room in the shortest amount of time. Here it was Yuna who won by a landslide, given her long reach and height along with her athleticism.  Your personal favorite out of the next few games was Indian Chief, where one person was chosen to perform movements that the entire outside of the circle would follow and a person in the center to guess who the Chief was. It was hard for your friends not to blow each others' cover as you all got a kick out of getting the whole room to do Kpop dances.

"Alright, since the night is winding down, we're gonna do something a little more interesting. How does a game of paranoia sound?" asks Stephen Chuang, the orchestra's concertmaster.

Seeing his question being met with bright enthusiasm, Stephen continues: "Okay, for those who don't know the rules, you have to whisper to the person next to you a question that has to be answered with a name belonging to someone in this room. The name will always be said aloud, but we'll flip a coin to see if the question will be revealed. For time's sake, let's just say Heads is safe and Tails will reveal. Now, I need everyone to form a circle again." 

"Is this a personal attack?" whines Yeji, "I literally have the worst luck when it comes to coin flips." 

"Dang, they really went all out with this," muses Justin. "I'm into it."

"Right, let's say that whoever has a birthday closest to today's date will start," says Edea.

"I guess that would be me," says Noah Lopez, an alto saxophone player from band and turns to the person to his right to whisper a question.


Ryujin snickers when her cousin's name is called out right off the bat and everyone else watches closely in wait of the coin toss result. It lands on tails.

"Spill it, Noah," challenges Yuna.

"Who's most likely to become assistant drum major," chuckles Noah.

The room, well aware of the feud between Yuna and George Xi, erupts like a volcano. Yuna finds herself wide-eyed and jaw agape in pleasant amazement, whereas in George's case, seething, that his section mate opted not to vouch for him in favor of someone who was two years his junior. 

"Well, this game is already off to a great start," says Justin in between chuckles.

The next question went to an orchestra freshman girl, who chooses Ryujin for her answer. A flip of a coin reveals tails.

"Who in this room would you trust to have your back during a fight," says the girl shyly.

"Whoaa, you go Ryujin," you cheer with the crowd, as she makes her way across the room to give the girl a hug. 

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