a thing for counters... (smut)

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You were standing in the bathroom finishing up with the straightening iron when Colson came and wrapped his arms around your waist, "You know, someone could have done that for you when we got to the studio?" You set the hot iron down on the counter and turned around to face him, "Well, I know. I just like doing it myself, I think it calms my nerves. It gives me a false sense of control." You stifled a laugh. Colson leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips, "Mmmm, baby, you taste so good." You smiled and brought your thumb to his lips, wiping them clean, "You're getting lipstick all over yourself." He smirked and replied before crashing his lips back onto yours, "I don't care." You playfully shoved him off as he lifted you onto the counter, "Come on, I just finished my makeup." He started to kiss your neck as you wrapped your arms around his long torso, "I'll be quick, we do have somewhere to be, ya know." It didn't take much convincing on his part once his lips found your collarbone, "Just don't ruin my makeup." "No promises."

The two of you finally made your way to the car waiting out front and found Ashleigh already inside. She was looking at her phone, "What took you guys so long?" You both shrugged, "Nothing." She gave you a suspicious look. You were almost to the studio when Ashleigh broke the silence, "Did you warn her?" You gave her and Colson a confused look, "Warn me about what?" Colson squeezed your thigh, "We are doing a Vice interview." You were still confused, "I know." Ashleigh locked her phone and threw it into her purse, "These Vice interviewers tend to get a little personal when they interview couples. If you catch my drift." You nodded, "Ohhhh, I see." Great, as if you weren't already nervous enough. Colson took your hand in his, "You don't have anything to be nervous about. I've pretty much said anything you can an interview, nothing will be a surprise for them." You shrugged and Ashleigh nodded in agreement, "He's right." He motioned to Ashleigh, "See?! Nothing to worry about." She tossed a small pack of tissues into Colson's lap. Failing to catch them, he looked at her curiously, "What are these for?" She pointed to her neck, "You might want to clean up before we get there, at least leave a little mystery until the obscene questions are asked." He smiled over at you, looking pleased with himself. You took a tissue from the pack and started to wipe away the leftover lipstick you missed the first time and slightly turned towards to Ashleigh, "Sorry, I thought I got it all back at the house." She let out a little laugh, "I've gotten pretty used to it." You and Colson just smirked at each other.

After you did some touchups on your hair and makeup and Colson successfully drank another two cups of coffee, it was time for the two of you to take your places next to the interviewer. You squeezed the top of Colson's knee. He took your hand in his and whispered, "Is everything okay?" You swallowed hard and tried not to panic, "I'm starting to get nervous." He pressed a soft kiss to your lips, "You'll be fine, I'm right here. It's just an internet broadcast." You weren't sure that comforted you. The interviewer sat down on the cushy chair opposite of the two of you, "Well, aren't you two just adorable. I have been looking forward to this segment all morning! I'm Chelsea!" You stuck your hand out to shake hers, "It is so nice to meet you. I have to admit, I am a bit nervous, I've never done a live interview before." Chelsea shifted in her seat, "Well, you two have garnered quite the attention over the last few years, I figured it was time." You leaned into Colson, "I guess, but I am just not as used to the spotlight as some of your other guests' partners."

The director caught Chelsea's attention to let her know it was time to come back from the break. She immediately perked up and smiled for the camera, "If you're still tuning into our stream, then I have a treat for you. Let me welcome Machine Gun Kelly and his lovely girlfriend." Colson beamed, "Thanks, thank you. We are excited to be here." You smiled at Chelsea, "Yes, I am very excited, but I do have to admit, I am a bit nervous to be here." She smiled back at you, "Don't be! This is going to be lots of fun. If it is alright with you two, I was hoping we could do a couple's Q&A." You and Colson both smiled and nodded in agreement. Chelsea turned to face the camera, "So let's get started." Then she turned back to you guys, "I am just going to ask you guys some couple's questions, some might get a little personal, but it is all in good fun. You ready?" Colson shifted in his seat and sat forward a little bit, "I think we're ready." Chelsea smiled, "Perfect."

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