chapter one - the beggingijging

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agaagagaa this is going to suck, oh my goddess.

Wait Dr. Dre came on—I need to start playing better songs.

Idk why I'm writing this, but I apologize to my mom, my sister, and whoever else if they ever see this...eyes and probably everything else on your body will definitely be bleached. Just saying,

I'm not paying court fees.

😐🤷‍♀️ that's politics for you.

frankelina-   I'll get you, you piece of communist shit, don't you even dare try to sue me again.

— chapter one —

"Wait, so you're saying my baby Angelina did what?" The tall brown-headed woman grasped her small daughter's body to her own.

The principal, who was sat in front of them, put his head in his hands and sighed loudly. "What I'm saying, Mrs. Jublinsky, is that your daughter hit Ms....uh..." he looked over to the other little girl in the chair, then his chart, then her again.

"Don't even try to say it, you'll have a stroke." The little girl said, lifting her leg off of the floor, putting it on the chair, then holding it. "I'm a rare breed you dumbasses."

Monica face-palmed her...face..., she was very disappointed. "oh my god your mom does marijuana this ONE time, and now I have to sub in for this shit! Who knew being her roommate would be hell?" Monica jeered, and the other people in the office gave her a nasty look. "She's probably at home with a spilled 'Colada in her hand, laying on the floor in agony begging for your Dad to come back!" She boasts, moving her hands around anxiously with her words.

The little girl next to her smiled, "That was YOUR mistake, lady!" She boasts right back. "...and yeah I would see my Mom doing that, she's so funny."

she's so funny.


The principal slams his hand on the table, "Now you two, I expect good behavior out of you now!" He directs his tone towards Monica, who he's had a student, but no details of the past will be provided. This is the future, any lame flashbacks aren't allowed in this story (sometimes..).

The little girl smirked again, putting her tiny mischievous hands together. "You expect, but you don't receive."

The other little girl named Angelina scoffed, rolling her eyeballs. "SHUTUP you fucking hippie!"

Both Monica and little girl gasped, little girl put her hand on her chest, acting "offended."

"Good one, Angelina." Her mom said, smiling down at her ugly ass daughter in her arm.

Little girl gasped again, looking up at Monica. "Aunt Monica! She called me a hippie!" She turned her angry little head back toward Angelina. "I swear I'll get my sister on you! She'll beat so hard you won't be able to see tomorrow!"

"Mommy! Francine is threatening me!" Angelina said, hugging her mom's stomach fat for protection.

"Hey!" Yelled Monica, holding Francine close. "About the 'hippie' thing...that's a false claim!" She pointed at all the people in the room slowly, one by one. "She's a druggie."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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