Let's talk about: Mean People who hate u or just bullies

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Ok you know what timee it is? oh yeah you don't know- 


So, of course, in your school days or life, there's gonna be a group of people or someone who hates u for being yourselves, who hates you because of personal reasons or just for no reason like a cliched bully. Let's be real there can never be someone in the world to be not hated by others, and if there ever was let's say your too lucky, oki mah homie. 

It does hurt to be bullied not gonna lie. But when that sweet karma comes that's when you are finally free from being bullied. 

What should u do to stop being bullied? Ignore those dum dum bullies of course also don't be afraid to tell your parents or a teacher about you being bullied. Trust me mah homie they shall help u so keep on telling and ignore that bully calling u a snitch. Your only telling on them for a good reason if it's bullying. I know every anti-bully program in school says this kind of crap but it is helpful though- so ye follow that advice reader.

But one important thing. Don't give a crap about bullies, seriously they can't control u but don't care about them ok. It may be a strength to take time over the years but I know yall got this because I have learned not to give a sheet about them ÙvÚ

I mean I still get hated by others in school but I use my optimism and crackhead-nism not to give a shit about what they say about me cuz every bully I have encountered only used words to hurt me but as I grow older I realised something... they use words to hurt you but they don't physically fight you by punching or kicking. 

Basically the bullies 

So remember this big-big life lesson

"frick the bullies they can't change you, you be you always" - from Kura 

welp hope yall liked this life lesson- 


- Kura 

22/06/20 (344 words)

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