dabi sexyy man yaaa mm so sexy

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You wake up. All you remember is the want for milk. You figured you must have blacked out from exhaustion and you're somewhere in the middle of the street. You carefully rub your eyes and wake up to DABI?!?! You scream but it's too late Dabi duck tales your mouth shut and says to you,"Hey be quiet will you? People might hear you." You cannot believe you're eyes right in front of you is one of the most dangerous villains of all time you try to run away, but that's when you notice you've been tranquilizer and can't move. There's nothing you can do but try to scream through the duct tape but at this point you're so tired you stop squirming and decide it's time to take a nap.

{10 minutes later}
You wake up to pain on your left cheek and Dabi saying."Hey, i didn't kidnap you so you could sleep."
You respond annoyed with, "Then why did you kidnap me huh? Frankly i'm quite tired of being here and just wanna get some sleep so i can be ready for work tomorrow." Dabi chuckles to himself. You get very annoyed at this and respond, "What's so funny? I'm not laughing." Dabi replies with, "Haha, it's just i don't know most people would still be screaming at this point and all you want is sleep it's almost making me feel guilty." You realize it is a little odd you're so comfortable around a villain like this, but blame it on your lack of sleep, you're main goal is still getting out of here. "Hey Dabi!" you exclaim, "I wasn't kidding on needing sleep tonight so are you gonna release me or what?" you say demandingly. This unfortunately only seemed to make Dabi fall on the floor from laughter. You became even more irritable and yelled out, "HOW IS THIS FUNNY!!" As soon as you said that Dabi's demeanor seemed to change and immediately came over to you and out the duct tape back on your mouth and whispered in your ear, "Hey, don't mess this up now. I was just planning on not killing you." Dabi slowly removed the duct tape from your mouth and then placed his finger to your lips. This immediately went a shiver down your back, obviously you didn't wanna die before your parents cause that's just lame!! You coyly say, "Okay Dabi i wont yell I promise." He bends back down and says, "Good girl, follow directions and nothing will happen to you I promise." At that moment you let out a small gasp. You couldn't help but be semi attracted to this extremely handsome criminal especially with him this close to you. You flustered say, "So, u-uh what do i need to do to be released? You probably know Im a hero? Do you want information." Dabi doesn't answer for a while but just looks at you with an emotionless expression. This causes your heart to skip a beat and you become even more nervous. After what seems like forever, he finally answer, "I don't want your information." A puzzled expression appears on your face. If he doesn't want information then what does he want. Apparently Dabi could read into your expression and steps back a few feet to stand directly in front of you and says, "I want you to have sex with me."

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