Melissa Files: #6: The Cleaner

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Patient #8: The Cleaner

Name: Judge Christopher Simon

Eye Color: Brown

Age: 51

Race: Caucasian

Height: 5'10

Weight:160 lbs.

Admission: Judge Simon presided over the main courthouse in The Heights. The crime was so bad there, that eventually he had enough. He believed that the only way to "cleanse" his city is by wiping out the inflicted. So after months of planning, he finally forged a plan to purge the city of its "filth". He hired numerous crooked cops and D.A.'s, he even bribed a number of jury members and even got access to FBI database. He went on to convict anyone from a late parking ticket to attempted murder. Finally the last phase of his plan was to be initiated. Once all the criminals were locked up in Opal Penitentiary, he would blow the prison up. That will finally clean the city of its dirt he thought. While in the process of transporting the explosives to the prison, one of the bombs unexpectedly detonated. He was then arrested and transferred to MMF.


-Old pompous southern attitude

-Believes that the world must be "cleansed"

-Extensive knowledge and background of the law
-Focused on his own political aspirations

-Well established Judge

-Criminal mastermind

Patient Interview #1: May 13th 2012; Entry Interview;

Doctor Marx: "Hello this is Dr. Edward Marx starting Patient Interview with Judge Christopher Simon also known as The Cleaner. So let's get begin how are you Christ- can I call you Chris?"

The Cleaner: "No, you may call me Judge Simon, that's my title and I should be addressed as such, no matter where I'm located."

Doctor Marx: Okay Judge Simon lets backtrack, you were a very highly respected Judge in The Heights back in Opal, and you were even a part of the Supreme Court system at one point..... that is .....until you...snapped."

The Cleaner: "I did not snap. I did what was necessary to wipe the scum from this earth"

Doctor Marx: "Scum? What scum are you targeting? All you did was try to punish people unfairly. You charged minor law breakers like they were mass murderers"

The Cleaner: "They deserved it, all of them"

Doctor Marx: "Who are them?"

The Cleaner: "They are the niggers, the homos, the retarted, anyone who does blasphemies towards the law and towards god"

Doctor Marx: "Oh I see, but punishing someone is one thing but murdering them is different. That is totally different."

The Cleaner: "No Sir that is totally necessary".........

Patient Interview #2, Follow Up; June 1st, 2012;

Doctor Marx: "This is Dr. Marx starting P.I. with Judge Simon. Judge let's talk about what landed you here in this facility in the first place."

The Cleaner: "I was ready to rid my city of its filth"

Doctor Marx: "And how were you going to do that?"

The Cleaner: "By exterminating them. Doing that would have made the world a much better place."

Doctor Marx: "You were going to kill people who didn't pay their parking tickets on time. Those people are hardly scum."

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