50 Random Questions :D

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1.What's your favourite Dr. Seuss book? Well I have always liked the cat in the hat and fox in socks

2.If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be? Uhh obviously finn and jakes treehouse

3.What's the longest you've gone without sleep? Well i dont know the exact time but it was probably at one of my sleepovers where i stayed up until 6 am? lol i like sleeping

4.What's your favourite Katy Perry song? Probably i kissed a girl idk why i just really loved that song when i was younger

5.Who's your favourite Muppet? ew muppets are gross... does elmo count?

6.What's the habit you're proudest of breaking? Uhh probably nothing... well i guess i havent picked my nose since i was like 5 so i guess that lol

7.What's your favourite Web site? Youtube :D

8.What's your favourite school supply? Anything artsy

9.Whats your favorite tv character? Dawn from pokemon

10.What was your most recent trip ? I have no idea.. never even been out of my province lol

11.What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store? Well my mom goes to them all the time and sells the stuff she got for like 2$ for about 100$ lol

12.Where were you on September 11, 2001? Umm probably in my bed.. i was like 1 years old then...

13.What's your favourite tree? Anything climbable

14.What's the most interesting book you've read? umm obviously strider's random book like duh

15.What do you order when you eat Chinese food? NOODLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

16.What's the best costume you've ever worn? My pikachu haloween costume :3

17.What's your least favourite word? Anything that pikapoo will correct with grammar on such as "your" or "you're"

18.If you had to be named after one of the 50 states, which would it be? Bish im in canada

19.Who's your favourite Care Bear? When i was younger i always liked the minty one but now i like the gumpy one.

20.Describe something that's happened to you for which you have no explanation. Random stuff falling off my shelves when i was sittng in my room and there was no earthquake or anything

21.If you could travel anywhere in Africa, where would it be? Anywhere without ebola... sorry guys...

22.What did you have for lunch yesterday? Pasta

23.Where do you go for advice? The internet duh

24.Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus? none... probably the french dictionary though i suck at french

25.Have you ever been snorkelling? Scuba diving? I have in a pool.. i dont think that counts though..

26.Have you ever been stung by a bee? Yes on my ankle. waittttt that was a wasp.. oh well

27.What's the sickest you've ever been? I have no clue probably the flu

28.What's your favourite form of exercise? ew exercise. i stay skinny by lying in my  bed and eating pizza

29.What's your favourite Cyndi Lauper song? True colors

30.What did you do for your 13th birthday? Probably bowling or something stupid lol

31.Are you afraid of heights? Yeah lol im scared of any building higher then about 4 floors lol but only if i look out the window or something

32.Have you ever taken dance lessons? When i was like 4 i took ballet... i always fooled around and ate cereal instead of dancing though

33.What's your favourite newspaper? idfk i dont read the news paper


35.What's your favorite scohool subject? Art and science

36.What's your favourite knock-knock joke? idk whenever i try telling my friends a knock knock joke they always dont respond or say something stupid XD

37.What is your eye colour? a blue-gray-greenish colour.

38.If you could go to Disney World with any celebrity alive today, who would it be? someone hot...

39.Do you prefer baths or showers? showers. baths get cold too fast.

40.Does your chewing gum lose its flavour on the bedpost overnight? wtf does that mean

41.What's your favourite breakfast food? waffles or pankakes :D

42.What's your hair colour?Well its natrually dark brown but i dyed it to a dark purple brown

43.If you could have a super power, what would it be? Reading minds

44.Do you like guacamole? Never had it

45.Have you ever been in a food fight? well once i threw food at my dad and he threw some at me so i guess so lol

46.What is your skin tone? SUPER pale im the palest person i know like literly at my grad photo everyone else was this like solid tan colour and boom theres just this super pale chick standing in the middle(me)

47.What's your favourite animal? Dogs ;D and tigers after that :3333

48.What's the longest you've ever waited in line? Maybe an hour or two. i forget what for though lol

49.What were your parents going to call you if you were the opposite gender? Aaron

50.What is your name? 😬


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