
15 3 2

I've gotten up at 4 o'clock,
My sleeps seems to be getting in a block.

It's because me and my father watch Ghost Adventures during the night,
Call this sentence cheesy, but it always keeps me in a fright.

Forget about it, that was on Sunday,
And that night I watched the Ghost Crew in their watch bay.

Now on this Monday it's rainy,
And I wish I could talk to my baby.

Drinking coffee, playing solitaire,
I should get up, I need to brush my hair.

My Mondays are a symbol of me being rather lazy,
Especially during this time, I'm going rather crazy.

These poems are cheesy, are they overused?
I'm always crazy, and always confused.

Have a good Monday and much respect,
I hope there's happiness you detect!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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