Chapter 4 Moving day

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A/N guys I know this isn't true but just pretend that Nash is 16. I know he's not in real life but it's part of the book😘😋 and Ilyssa's 16 too. And the instagram username and that stuff isn't Real so don't go looking it up because I made it up.😝

Nash's P.O.V

I woke up and started to get ready because I agreed to help Ilyssa and her family move into their new house. I got in the shower, washed my hair all that stuff. Then brushed my teeth and put on kakis, my black vans shirt and black vans to match. I walked into the kitchen grabbed a cookies and creme pop tart and walked over to help Ilyssa. I saw Ilyssa lifting a box that was huge and looked heavy so I took it from her. It was heavy and I almost dropped it which made Ilyssa burst out laughing as I struggled with the box. She continued laughing walked over and picked up the box and carried it into the house. "How can you carry that I asked panting." "Volleyball" she replied laughing. She carried the box into her room which was newly painted tiffany blue and gray and unpacked it. After we unpacked that box we both went out to the truck and grabbed another box and carried it in. Once I set the box down I said, "Ilyssa?"

"Yeah Nash she said looking concerned."

"I broke up with Brianna yesterday."

"You did?"

"Yeah I did."


"So that you and I could be together."

"You know you didn't have to do that Nash."

"I know I wanted will you be my girl friend?"

"Na-Nash I I I can't she said running out the door."

"Ilyssa wait!"

Ilyssa's P.O.V


"Yeah Nash I said concerned."

"I broke up with Brianna yesterday."

"You did?"

"Yeah I did."


"So that you and I could be together."

"You know you didn't have to do that Nash."

"I know I wanted will you be my girl friend?"

"Na-Nash I I I can't I said running out the door."sz

After what happened with Dillion I have trouble with trusting guys. I ran outside to the side of the house and sat down leaning against the side of the house and cried. Soon I heard Nash yelling my name, "Ilyssa! Ilyssa!" "Ilyssa where are you?" He finally found me and when he saw my crying he didn't ask questions he just sat down next to me on the rocks, and held me while I cried. when I finally stopped crying he said I'm sorry.

"Nash it's not your fault."

"What is it then?"

"My ex-boyfriend."

"Do you still have feelings for him or something?"

"Hell nah I hate that crazy ass bitch!"

Nash started laughing and asked "what happened?"

I told him the whole story about that Friday a couple of months ago. After I finished telling him the story he was crying a little bit and said "I'm so sorry."

"Nash it's fine really I'm fine. In just had trouble trusting guys since then."

"I would too, but if we dated I would never ever ever do that. It's your choice weather or not you date me. I mean I want you to date me but you don't have to but I do want you to but I'm not going to force you he rambled on."

"Nash, Nash I said stopping him, I'll go out with you."

"Really he asked!?!?"

"Yep I said."

"YAY!!!" He said running around in circles like a little kid which made me laugh. We skipped hand in hand with our fingers intertwined into the house to finish unpacking. When we finished unpacking my room I said Starbucks? Starbucks he replied nodding his head and waking out the door, which made me laugh. Perhaps Starbucks will be our okay Mr.Grier.

A/N the "okay" thing is from the fault in our stars. If you haven't read/seen it basically Hazel and Gus say it to each other meaning they will be together forever.

Still Ilyssa's P.O.V

We into my car and drove to the Starbucks. We went inside and I ordered a small berry hibiscus refresher and Nash ordered a small strawberry frappe. We sat at a table enjoyed our drinks and talked about random things. We took some pictures on snapchat together. Posted one on insagram and he commented
Starbucks with the bæ @Ilyssa
After we finished taking selfies I said "let's make a vine"

"Okay like what?"

"I don't know."

"Me neither."

"Oh oh I got it!"


"White girls ordering Starbucks!"

"Oh my god yassss!!!"

"Okay so I'll be all like I'll take a tall caramel not fat no whip shot of expresso and a caramel drizzle"

"Ha ha okay, and I'll be like, I I'll have a tall white chocolate mocha with skim milk no whip a shot of expresso and extra whip creme."

"Ha ha ok let's do this I said!"

I ordered first while Nash filmed. Then Nash ordered and I filmed. When he finished ordering we edited the footage and posted it on vine. It got likes really quickly. There were a lot of comments asking if we were dating and what happened to Brianna stuff like that. Nash and I responded to people saying we were a couple and that Brianna's out of the picture. After we finished our second drinks we left and drove home. My parents were back in Minnesota getting more of our stuff so I was going to be home alone. Right as Nash was about to leave I said, "Nash will you stay with me?" Sure Ilyssa Nash said. I'll be right back "I'm gonna go get some things k?" "K" I said. I got in my pajamas and crawled into my queen sized bed under the covers. A couple of minutes later I felt a warm body next to mine. I snuggled with Nash and slowly drifted off to sleep.... At about 1:00 am I heard my phone ringing so I moved Nash's arm from around my waist and got up to answer my phone. I went into the bathroom to talk so that I didn't wake Nash up. I picked up my phone and it was an unknown number. I picked it up anyways because why not. I figured it was my friends from Minnesota prank calling me. So I answered and an unfamiliar woman's voice came over the phone and she said, you better

"watch your back bitch I'm coming for you!!!"

"I know it's you Gracie."

"The voice said I don't know who this Gracie bitch is but I'm coming for you Ilyssa!"

"Okay Gracie not funny anymore!!! Your scarring me!"

"This will teach you not to steal my boyfriend!!!"

Then some girl came in through the window and hit me in the head with a pan. Everything went dark. I could only feel her hitting me everywhere with the pan and hearing her say "now Nash is all mine!" I heard Nash say "what's going on Ilyssa are you okay?!?!" I couldn't speak she put duct tape over my mouth. "Ilyssa I'm coming in Nash said" then Brianna's disappeared and Nash broke open the door to see me tied up duct tape over my mouth and bleeding every where. "Ilyssa!!!" Nash yelled running towards me. He quickly pulled out is phone and called 911. "No no no please Ilyssa please don't leave me. I love you." He carried me down the stairs bridal style out to the ambulance.

The girl next doorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora