Short Story

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Hello! I was hoping y'all could read this and leave comments regarding my grammar, spelling, and way I could improve this. This is going to be very important as I'm sending it in with college applications and I'm hoping y'all could help me by going over it. Thank you so much and I hope you like it!

He heard her grow up above his head. Never once laying his eyes on her, but always hearing her voice. He listened as she grew, her footsteps leaving a more prominent sound, her voice maturing beautifully, and her personality skyrocketing.

Perhaps that was the reason he didn't want to leave. Perhaps he had an inkling that if he stayed quiet, obey the rules, that one day he would have the pleasure of putting a face to the voice he was becoming more and more captivated by each and every day.

He was taken when he was nine years old, he guessed by how high her voice was that they were around the same age, he was older he knew it. Just by her mannerisms. The way she acted reminded him of how many of the younger girls at his school would act. You could say that's what drew him to her in the first place. For him, she provided a sense of familiarity. Helped him hold onto the life he once took for granted.

She didn't know the effect she had on him, she didn't even know he existed yet alone was right beneath her feet. Being locked away, used as a way for her father let out his anger when she laid her head down for a night's rest.
She would wake up every day ready for a bright happy day, believing that her home was as safe as a dream when in reality a nightmare was hiding in plain sight. She would believe her family is good, her father was a kind loving man who was doing good, causing no harm, when in reality the results of his actions would forever scorn the lives he's touched.

He wasn't dead, but sometimes it felt like it. He would lay their sad and depressed, just praying for a sign, something, anything, that would help move on. The first time he prayed was the first time he heard her voice. He had been so scared, but her soft words to her dolls, as he presumed, allowed him an escape. Made him remember the world outside the confinement of his walls.
It would forever haunt him as to why he never calls for help. He remembers trying a few times, calling out for anyone to come and save him, but it also feels so foreign he can't recall if the worlds had really come from his mouth or not. Had his courage not been strong enough, was the fear too much? Or had he simply not wanted to go, there was no way of knowing. Not today, not tomorrow. Thoughts like this simply had no answer.

He was nearing the age of twenty, or so he presumed. He faintly remembered his brother, and how he looked when he was twenty, the last time he saw him. He had to be thirty by now. Living his life, probably having forgotten of his troublesome younger brother. No matter though, he couldn't recall any memories no more, his mind was simply a jumble used to remember the rules of his captor and the voice of his angel.
She was leaving.

He remembered the day he heard her announce it to her father. She was going off to college to pursue a career as a detective. Funny how she wanted to solve crimes when the one just under her nose had yet to acknowledge.
She was set to leave in a few months. Time was no longer relevant to the boy anymore. Days were just as long as nights, they fade into one these days. He hoped to use that to his advantage, to savor the time before the last sliver of hope was being taken from him. He would remember all her words, all her emotions. He would remember her as his savor even if she didn't know him.
When the day came that she finally left, there was bittersweet feeling that over flooded him. Bitter because his only light was being snapped out, sweet because it meant that he could finally give up, trade his torture for the world beyond, finally find some peace in his life.

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