Part One

41 7 4

Harry, Ginny, Neville, and Luna have all joined the chat.

Harry 〰 Anyone on?

Luna〰 I am

Ginny〰 Same here

Harry 〰 Hey Ginny. You know where Ron went?

Ginny 〰 last I saw he left the common room to meet Hermione.

Harry 〰 of course he did

Neville 〰 What’s that supposed to mean

Harry 〰 I think you know what that means…

2 minutes later

Ginny 〰 k we really don’t know

Harry 〰 UGHHH

Harry 〰 k it means there probably making out again in the supply closet

Luna 〰 they wouldn’t do that

Neville 〰 no its true! Me and Harry saw them the other day. We didn’t mean to walk in on them but we needed more potions supply's!

Harry 〰 ya they were practically on top of each other.

Ginny 〰 ummm eww!

Harry 〰 ya I know. Hermionie's disgusting

Ginny 〰 no ron!!! He's my brother. I did not need to know that kind of information!

Harry 〰 well sorry, I just call it as I see it!

Neville 〰 alright this is getting too much I gtg. Goodnight all.

Neville has left the chat

Ginny 〰 ya im gone too

Ginny has left the chat

Harry 〰 well I guess its just you and me Luna

Luna has left the chat

Harry 〰 ...

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