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What’s so funny about this? One of the things I’ve noticed on Google images whenever I look for photos to use with these jokes is that certain topics which might be considered unsavory or gross or unpleasant often have pictures which only show beautiful, young smiling faces doing whatever. For example dentists generally don’t look like movie stars, nor do their patients. Yet google images mostly shows people smiling and delighted to be getting their teeth drilled. Wonder what planet these pics were taken on? Same with car mechanics and auto body shops. Usually they are holes in the wall garages with a lot of grime and grease and guys in dirty overalls, working on cars. Yet google once again shows spotless uniforms and young handsome guys who look like they’ve never loosened a lug on a tire, much less overhauled a transmission. That’s why I used an old-time photo taken with real mechanics and not some models paid for by an oil company; plus, the old car looks cool. As with going to a dentist, people are not delighted if they’ve been in an accident, had their car damaged or totaled, and now have to take it to an auto body shop. Even if the car ends up looking like new, their insurance rates will go up and the car’s resale value will plummet because you can’t hide that a car’s been in an accident. As the saying goes, they “get you coming and going”. That’s why I’m not showing you any happy customers. At least the family of mechanics is pretty happy or so they tell us. Word has gotten out in their community that their auto body shop does good work. When customers are satisfied with a place of business they will recommend it to their friends. This is what’s known as word-of-mouth. The pun in this joke is based on a homophone of the first syllable of the word “recommend”, namely “wreck”, w-r-e-c-k. The last syllable, “m-e-n-d” is also a verb meaning “fix”. So these guys mend wrecks. That’s why they are wreck-a-mended. And THAT’s what’s so funny!


This joke was submitted to by Samantha from New York State

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