~ E I G H T ~

985 35 22

July 3rd, 2017

"How do I start the conversation now?" 

Kim MinRae sat on her bed not knowing what to do. It had been around 4 days since the 'arguement' between the two. Jeno had ended it by asking who he should really be with.

But all he had in response was 'seen' 

"Just tell him you like him," she mumbled to herself, laying back on her bed. If only it were that easy. Nowadays, she could barely call him without stuttering.

And to make things worse, Jeno hadn't tried to contact her either. But she couldn't really blame him. For all she knew, he was busy with his group. 

Smiling softly to herself, she reached over to the nighstand next to her bed, and took a picture frame from its position. 

It was a photo of the two at graduation. Both their arms around each other, and faces gleaming with happiness. 

Rae let a small tear slip from her eyes. Her life was a mess, and no one knew. Her parents never really bothered to check up on their daughter, and left her alone. 

And Jeno was the only one she had. 

And of course she would never tell anyone about her problems. That was something she hated to do. 

Especially becasue she always felt like everyone would view her differently. That was something she didn't want. 

But Rae felt like she was losing him as time went on. And before she knew it, more tears cascaded down her cheeks. 

Her fingers traced the photo as she used her other hand to wipe her tears. 

"If only you knew how much I really love you."

A/N: Now I'm sad-

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