Chapter 1

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Slam! The familiar sound of a car door closing echoed waking me up. My eyes shot wide open and darted around. Black. Moving my head around side to side trying to find any source of light I realized that there was a cloth bag covering my head, obstructing any possibility of sight. Instinctually I moved my arms but were shocked to discover that my hands were zip-tied together. Legs? Tied at the ankles. All I had was my mouth, and as the car suddenly began to move I let out a scream. A long, piercing scream, stagnant. Suddenly, my strong persistent screams were overshadowed by loud, rock music. Squirming in the backseat it was just me, my now raspy, broken screams and of course, loud rock music.

It must've been a solid half an hour and by then my voice was far gone. Throat aching I gave up for now. There was nothing I could do, if I started talking, whoever was driving wouldn't be able to hear me over the goddamn Smells Like Teen Spirit esque garbage. Finally, the pounding in my head was loudly evident. In now near unbearable pain, I hopelessly teared up, however, no noise escaped my lips. The car ran over the sound of gravel, as the vehicle came to a stop. Beginning to try and kick the best I could, the driver's door opened and closed, the radio finally shutting off. Peace and quiet. However, my moment of bliss was cut short as the back door opened and a soft yet deep voice mumbled:

"I'm sorry darling" before my memory failed me once more.

Softly and slowly, I awoke on a bed with the blessing of sight. Scanning the room it was a rather empty yet small little place. I lay on a large bed taking up most of the room, next to me was a small side table, then a bookcase filled with various books. Sitting up abruptly, my head was aching like a pain I'd never felt before. Jesus christ how many times had the psychopath slammed me over the head? Feeling around for any odd bumps suddenly, the reality of the situation struck me like lightning. Stumbling to my feet, sore from being tied together for who knows how long, I weakly hobbled to the door. With a shaky hand, I was about to try the nob, but it turned on its own. Dear god. I instantly stumbled back as the door opened with a sickening creek. Stood in front of me was a familiar face. Broad shoulders, messy dark brown hair, eyes wild as ever. It was Tim.

Holding myself continuing to step back as he stepped forward I was hit like a train with the realization. Tim was my co-worker, god, barely an acquaintance. He was an awkward guy, in fact, my friend and I used to joke that he couldn't even hold the door for a girl without getting all worked up. Good ol' Tim. I thought he couldn't hurt a fly. Not anymore. There he stood, towering in front of me, a small smile grew across his face. A chill ran up my spine and my instincts took over this intermission of pondering my history with Tim.

"D-Don't you come near me!"

Quickly scurrying to a corner of the room I held my hands in front of me in defense:

"P...please mister, I ain't got anythin'- I ain't even done anythin'..."

I tried to reason with the monster in front of me. This wasn't the Tim I worked with, the Tim I knew very little of. This was a creature. A man who somehow for some goddamn reason kidnapped me.

"Shh...I'm-I'm not going to hurt you...You're safe here, okay?"

He spoke quietly and calmly, keeping his distance from me but easing a little closer.

"Are you hungry, hun? You've had a rough day..."

"No shit! Ya fuckin- Ya hit me over the goddamn head and- and"

I was so shocked it was hard to even speak. Suddenly Tim softly rubbed my arm causing me to jolt away from his reach. He let out a soft sigh:

"Ya know what...I'm gonna let you stay alone for a second"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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