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Jessica's P.O.V


" Jessica! " They both say

" Are you crazy? , you get into a fight in public and not bother to think about the consequences how retarded can you two get! Birds of the same fucking feather! " I yell at them

" I know I'm sorry " Dillon whispers

" We had a good reason Jessica , I'm really sorry " Zayn says reaching for my hand through the spaces of the jail cell bars

" You too really shouldn't have I know what Taylor did was disgusting , mental and unforgivable but look where you guys are now because of a careless act " I whisper taking both their hands

" Are you here to bail us out? " Zayn asks ruffling his hair

" Unfortunately , Yes we are " I sigh hiding a small smirk

" Thank god " Dillon sighs in relief

" How much am I going to have to pay? " I ask my uncle opening my purse

" Nothing " He shrugs

" Oh Okay " I close my purse when he opens the jails cell

" I love you so much and I'm sorry " Zayn jogs over to me and hugs me

" Yeah you better be " I chuckle hugging him back

" And you " I point to Dillon

" Aren't you the one who asked me not to do anything stupid , nothing I won't regret later " I ask him bringing him into a hug

" Hey, don't use my wise words against my stupid actions " He chuckles huging me back

" I love you " He says into my hair

" Love you too Dil " I smile ruffling his hair

" No , Jessica there are boundries and the border stops at my hair no touching the hair " He says fixing

" Oh I'm sorry your royal highness " I giggle doing a little curtsy

" Yeah that's right you bow down to me bitch " He chuckles but stops when my uncle gives him an unapproving look

" How did you know we were here? " Zayn asks putting an arm around my waist

" I got a phone call from Mollie, she explained everything " I tell them following Uncled Brodie out to his office

" Jessica I'd like to speak with you.. alone " He says opening his office door

" Um Okay , guys I'll be out in a few minutes I guess " I shrug walking into the room and sitting down in front of his desk.

He sits in front of me and it's silent for a while he lets out a loud sigh before playing with his fingers.

" Jessica , what's wrong? " He asks concern showing all over his face

" Uncle nothing's wrong with me " I tell him

I look down to the floor playing with my fingers unaware I was doing so.

" Jessica I know you more than you know yourself , more than your parents know you " He says looking at me sternly

He was right , when Amelia and I was younger and sometimes now my parents always used to say we were the spitting image of my Uncle Brodie , but I took his personality , his little quirks and just everything about him I seem to have or do.

Amelia is more like our parents Dad's easy going personality but she also took Mom's strict, wise and older caring personality.

" How do you know though? " I ask putting my hand up onto the desk

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