Chapter 7: Romance

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Allie's POV

We got off of the boat and walked into the lake country area. I was too busy crying in Padme's arms to get sick.

The three of us looked around and didn't see Carter anywhere. "Oh no! What could've happened? R2 is gone too! I hope Carter's okay!" Padme said, freaking out.

"Don't worry. I think I know where he is." Anakin said.

I looked at him and he was looking straight up. I did the same and gasped when I saw Padme's ship hovering above us.

"Carter!" Padme exclaimed.

R2-D2 started beeping, begging for help and to come back down to the ground. Anakin used the force to set the ship gently on the ground. Carter hopped out of the ship and walked over to us. Padme engulfed him in a hug and said "I was so worried about you! What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking I wouldn't get in trouble if I went back to the Jedi Temple and made it seem like I wasn't here!"

"You can't just steal that ship! You may not want to get in trouble, but too bad! You're stuck here!" Anakin shouted, trying not to sound angry. Carter looked at me and said "What happened? Why are you crying?"

"My parents are dead!" I shouted with anger and sadness.

"Come on, Allie." Anakin said, grabbing my hand and walking into the building. Padme followed and the three of us sat down on the couch. "I'm going to check the ship." Anakin said after a few moments. He smiled at me before walking away.

I turned to Padme and said "He loves you. Anakin does. I know it."

"It's against the Jedi Code." Padme said.

"Which is completely unfair. The Jedi should be allowed to love. It's more of a strength than a weakness if you ask me. Anakin loves you. And you know it's true."

"I know. But we can't. I never should have kissed him. Especially in front of Carter. You know how he is about the Jedi Code and not breaking rules."

"Yeah. That guy isn't going to stop until he gets back to the Jedi Temple. But the point is, do you love Anakin?" I pushed. Padme thought about it for a second before saying "I don't know."


Third Person POV

Allie and Carter watched as Anakin and Padme went out to a field for a picnic. Once they were out of sight, Allie said "Come on! Let's spy on them. Can't miss all the action!"

"Sure thing. Let me just go grab a water real quick." Carter said. He turned and walked back into the building.

Once he came back, Allie paid no attention to him and just took off running. They hopped in a speeder and drove off. The field was beside a sparkling lake with waterfalls around half of them. Allie and Carter drove up above the waterfalls so they had a good view of the field below.

In the field, there were large creatures called Shaak. They looked like big and alive coconuts and they were raised by the Gungans and the citizens of Naboo.

They were far away, so they couldn't hear what Anakin and Padme were saying, but they could see everything.

Anakin and Padme were on a blanket in the field. They were smiling and laughing and talking. Allie smiled as she watched them. Carter has brought binoculars so he could see better, but Allie hadn't thought of that. She just wanted to watch their picnic for the romantic moments.

"They're barely even eating anything." Carter pointed out.

"I know..." Allie said dreamily, her eyes not leaving the field. They watched as Anakin and Padme started laughing and running through the field. Anakin force-jumped onto a Shaak's back and tried to ride it. He wasn't being very smart though, he was STANDING UP. He fell off of it and it looked like the Shaak could have stepped on him. Allie gasped and shouted "Anakin!" Thankfully, they couldn't hear her.

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