Chapter Two

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"Nico?" Jason asked pushing the door open.

Inside was insane boy, one that Jason didn't recognize anymore. His hair was longer and covering his eyes, his eyes had big black circles around them, he was extremely skinny to the point were his ribs started to get visible, he just looked like a big mess.

I did this to him. Jason thought.

"Nico?" Jason tried again. "Your not real." Nico mumble into his pillow.

Jason had, so many times, imagine this moment to see him again, to hear his voice that he had come to love, but it was different this time, Jason could here the hurt in his voice. He had hurt him so much. Some part of him wanted to leave Nico. To move on, just move on. Not for himself but for Nico so maybe he wouldn't be hurt anymore.

"Yeah your right I'm not real...." Jason said softly. "But I am really, truly sorry. For everything." For starting to care about you, for at some point starting to think about you every single freaking day, for looking at your face and thinking that you might be the most beautiful boy I have every seen, for falling in love with you.

"Sorry for everything...." Jason mumbled then started to head out.

"Wait." Nico shot straight up and stared at Jason, examining him. "Why did you agree that you weren't real, you always claim you are." He said scanning Jason.

"I am real Nico." Jason said deciding that was the only way Nico would forget him, and start becoming happy again. "Agh! Stop!" Nico yelled he rolled up in a ball and covered his head. "Stop messing up my mind, what are you?"

Jason froze, he didn't know what to do. He didn't know what to do. Soon Amber walked in, "Nico are you alright?" She stared at Jason and mouthed Get. Out.

He didn't hesitant, Amber was scary, really scary. Scarier then Nico maybe. He ran out and didn't look back.




"Nico it's alright, he isn't real, he isn't going to hurt you anymore." Amber said making her way to Nico's bed. She put Nico's head into her lap, and put her hands in his hair.

"Its okay, he isn't going to hurt you. You have me." She said softly, playing with his hair.

Nico was so confused. Something about seeing him was different this time. All the other times were just hallucinations, but this time didn't feel like one. Just one glance and all the pain came back, unlike all the other times were he kept the pain at bay and throw something, but this time when he saw him those walls broke and he was so confused.

"I-I swear he was so r-real this time...." Nico stuttered, the tears were making it hard for him to speak. "Nico there was no one here I swear. Just another hallucination." Amber kept playing with his hair.

"B-but he w-was -" "Sh...I am here, I won't hurt you." She kept saying.

When Nico got here he was the biggest wreck in the world, he had cuts all over him, he wouldn't eat or drink anything, wouldn't even go outside. But then he meet Amber Daughter of Apollo.

Amber came in his life a week after he got to camp Jupiter, she was really nice. She would deal with Nico's outbreaks, clean up the apartment if it started getting out of control, make him go outside but not for to long, and get him food. You could say that Amber was Nico's mom.

After he meet her he slowly got better, he didn't cut anymore, had less outbreaks, and could go outside to get his own food.

"Hey, look at me." She said. He listened and looked up at her. She gave him a smile. "I won't ever hurt you." Amber said, and put a hand on Nico's cheek. They just stared at each other for awhile, then Amber started to get closer to him. Next thing you know she stated to kiss him, and he kissed back. He broke apart for awhile to sit up, then went back to kissing her.

She got a hold of his shirt and pushed him one the bed, then ripped his shirt off. "I will make you feel loved." She whispered into his ear.




Nico woke up to hear the shower running. He groaned then realized he had no shirt, or pants, or boxers. "Oh shit." He whispered. He got up and ran to the drawer, he got some boxers and pants, and put them on as fast as he can before Amber walked out of the shower. Once he got some pats on he went back to bed.

Soon Amber walked out with wet hair, fully dressed, thank the gods Nico thought. "Hello." Amber said walking to were Nico was laying. She sat beside him on the bed. "How are you feeling." She asked with a smirk on her face. "Okay.... I guess." Nico said.

"Just okay?" She whinnied, she put her hand on his chest. "After last night," she started to slid down his chest now. "Shame. I guess we have to do it again sometime soon." She stood up and lifted the blanket before Nico could even react.

"Damn it! You put pants on." Amber sighed."Anyway I am going to get breakfast, be back soon." she planted a kiss on Nico and walked out the room.

Nico laid back down with a smile on his face, but it didn't last to long before he realized what just happened.

He sat back up. "What the hell did I just do?"


So do you love me

or do you think that I am a evil witch that came to destroy your life????

Anyways thanks to me best friend who helped me write this chapter. She is the best! 



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2014 ⏰

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