Chapter 16

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But... we didnt know we were being watched...
I couldn't smell them because I was just in the hospital full of different medical smells....

"Malachi you keep watch here. You have your rifle on you right?"

He points at his rifle.

"Oh right I brought this for you just in case you need it."

He hands me my ShotGun.
It's got black metal, and real dark blue handling.


I take it from him and strap it on my back.

I learned to use this for the reason that I can't get close enough to the boss ti kill him with my dagger, so my kill weapon for him is this special ShotGun.

"Alright let's continue with making this plan."

We finished with the plan, and now it's time to put it into action...

I release my claws from my fingernails and I begin climbing the hospital walls.

"Malachi your girl is crazy."
"Shes not my girl Kaden."
"Not yet at least."
"Kaden I love her but when I go back home do you really think my mother is going to let me be with her?"

I forgot about how his mother felt about me. She basically hates me. Hell I hate her sometimes to...
But... only because of the things she called me...

But that's beside the point I have someone to save right now.

I get to the top of the roof, and I see sharpshooters looking around. I take my walkie talkie out and I began talking through it quietly.

"We have 4 sharpshooters on the roof. I'll have to take em out one by one."
"Be careful."
"I've survived this long."

I put the walkie back on my strap.

I crouch and I head towards the closest one to me.

I take a cloth from my pocket and I put it over his mouth. He passes out.

I noticed he's using a shotgun much like mine, and a very powerful scope.

I strap that onto my back underneath my ShotGun.

I repeat the process of knocking them out and taking their guns with the other three.

I call the others through the walkie again.

"Done with the sharpshooters start up with the plan."

Everyone speaks up at once.

"Yes ma'am."

I groan after putting my walkie away, and I open the door that leads inside.

"We havent heard from the others in a while we should check on em."

"Yeah the boss wouldn't be happy if we didn't and something happened to them."

I look around for a place to hide. I have to save my strength for my plan to work.

I look up and smirk.

I begin climbing the walls and onto the ceiling. I see an air duct...

Hmm... it looks big enough for me to fit through...

I open the duct, and I begin climbing through, I then close the duct back up.

I see the two men pass by me. I exit the duct and I begin heading through the hospital quietly.

I almost got to the main staircase when one of the men saw me.


"There! She is here! Tell the boss that shes here."

One of them gets a walkie out, I act quickly and I kick it out of his hands.

"How did she get over here so fast?!"
"Are you dumb!? She has super speed!"

I grab both of them by their heads.

"Where is he keeping my friend?"

"The boss is keeping him on the first floor..."
"She scares me... look at her eyes..."

The man looks into my eyes.

They turned into an angered bright Golden color.

I smirk showing off my sharp teeth.

"Thanks for the assistance."

I smack their heads together just hard enough to knock em out.

"It looks like I'm heading to the 1st floor."

I look at the stairs, and I decided to use the elevator instead. Afterall I need to get there quickly... he may hurt Cesar... I need to be quick.

I push the down button on the elevator and I enter.

I then push the 1st floor button.

I grap my ShotGun, and my dagger. I put my dagger in a easier place to grab it incase I need it, and I load up my ShotGun, and keep it in my hand to the side.


I smirk...

"Here I come."


Yes fresh I know... this isn't the time... I'm a bit busy getting ready for the next chapter.


Well at least he went on his own this time...

I'll be continuing this don't worry I no longer have writers block.
Until next time my Lovelies.

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