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Character Name: Samantha DeLores.

Other Names: Samantha D. FreeStar, Samantha F. Sadus, Mrs. Sadus, Ms. FreeStar, Nede Bitch, the Soulless One, Vestige, Hero of Daggerfall, Scarlet Judge of Suran, Sam, Sammy, Mommy, Ma.

Sign: Unknown.
Birthday: 1E 236
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Birthplace: Fanacasecul, Cyrodiil.
Race: Nede (lies and says she's Imperial.) The Perena Tribe of Nedes.
Hair Color: Copper colored. Sometimes ginger beer colored.
Eye Color: Aqua blue.
Body type: Slender Hourglass. Toned muscle.
Height: 5'7
Age (physical): 24 (at the beginning of ESO)
Age (literal): in her 3,000s or 2,000s.

Likes: Dancing, music, street performers, reading history, exploration, claymores, bows, Guars, Netch, the color blue, Suran, Vivec City, Daggerfall, Wayrest, The Khajiit, Kothringi, rain, celebrations, flowers, mushrooms, Lyris, snow, her children, Melar, Gretga, seals.

Dislikes: Molag Bal, slavery, Ayleid ruins, Ayleids, abuse of any sort, rudeness, feeling useless, being told what to do.

Hobbies: Reading, going on walks in the middle of the night, swimming, sharpening weapons, repairing armor, applying different war paint patterns, helping people, pottery, and free running.

Facts: Used to be racist towards elves and Bretons, puts others before herself, learned ballet in Summerset, loves dressing pretty. Used a large deer as a mount. Used a giant death-hound as a mount.

Personal Items: Nedic ruby and rawhide wedding headband. Various collectibles from her travels. A staff from Vivec. The Scarlet Necklace. Her wedding rings. Nedic wedding gown. Dunmer style wedding gown. Ballerina dress.

Weapons: Maplewood bow. Heirloom ax. Iron greatsword with a frost enchantment. Light magic. Shackle (only while wearing her Scarlet Judge regalia.)

Armor: Dunmer style cuirass. Iron cuirass. Slaver Jerkin. Caldwell's robe. Scarlet Judge regalia.

Favorite Food(s): Seafood. Soups. Pears. Dunmer cuisine. Mushrooms. Mint tea. Mint chai. Beer.

Notable Features: Morag Tong tattoos, blue warpaint, lashing scars on her back and shoulders, busty.

Abilities: None.

Themesong(s): Queens Don't by RaeLynn.
Fight Song by Rachel Platten.

  Born sometime in the First Era six years before the slave rebellion. Sam toiled away in the small Ayleid city of Fanacasecul. At the age of six, she bore witness to her mother being forcibly pulled away from her to be sold to an Ayleid lord in Brawn. Her mother was to be used for breeding. As Samantha was violently knocked out the last image of her mother was of her being dragged away in chains.

  After her father was killed for flesh farming she realized she had nothing left to hold on to. That was the night she ran away. As the slave catchers chased her with hounds she ran and fell down a slope. There two witches found her. Enosh and Frea. Frea was Enosh's mother and refused to help the tiny Sam out. Mainly due to fear of being caught and sold into slavery. Enosh persisted and raised Sam as a daughter.

  Against their wishes, Sam traveled with a Nord named Vidr to a camp where the Nedic slave rebellion was camped out. Sam met Alessia and at the age of twelve, she fought in her first war.

  Samantha used a specially forged bronze claymore in battle if she wasn't stuck loading catapults.

  After fighting for a year she eventually witnessed the crowning of Alessia after the army she was in took the White-Gold tower.

  Several years later at the age of twenty-four, Samantha married Vidr. Their marriage was cut short due to Frea killing Enosh and having her coven kidnap Samantha. That was the day she died and was sacrificed to Molag Bal. She still doesn't know if Vidr survived his attempt to save her or not.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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