Chapter 1 Grand Tour

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Welcome to the world called Cordonia. Where every people has powers. Or some doesn't know how to perform it.

Let's start with our Kingdom of Sphiretopia or Fire. It is ruled by our Fire Lord Falla. The place is sunny, you won't experience any other season except hot season.

They have hot springs which is a source of water and medicine. But those people are violent. At least 90% of them.

The remaining 10% are the one called Runners. Or running away from their destiny of being a people of violent people.

Next is, Kingdom of Aquafroztopia and by the name you would know that it is "water". And also snow.

You can find water everywhere. Ponds, lakes, rivers, the sea. But it is cut in half. The North Aquafroz and South Aquafroz regions.

North Aquafroz is the snowy part. And South is the watery part. They are the one who created "halo-halo".


The creator named Vendra putted ice on his glass and put different fruits above on it.

Next, Hearthopia. Where land forms everywhere exists. They live on those. Except for a volcano, 'cause it's ordered by Earth Queen, Mariposa.

Volcanoes are dangerous. Some Fire People live in the end of those. With is prohibited by their Fire Lord. But every lord didn't agreed so they live there secretly.

Every part, edge, corner of Cordonia has secrets. Dangerous or Wonderful kinds of secret.

Next, Skytopia. People here floats in mid-air, honestly. They live with creatures that is much older than the oldest folks of Skytopia.

They are birds. Or huge ginormous birds. With different types of them you could tell their feelings by their feathers.

Dark red means annoyed or really angry. Light red or pink means sweet. Then, we have gray which means deep sadness. And grayish pink means bittersweet. Yellow expresses they are full of joy.

Green means they are disgusted. And tons of colors. But the interesting part is if they have all colors it means they are about to die. I know it's a interesting-to-sad part.

Next, Lightopia. A kingdom full of angels and man-angels. Like, Skytopia they could fly up the sky and into the clouds. They don't live in land or sea. They live in clouds the puffy soft clouds.

Lastly, Darktopia. A place of darkness everywhere. People here always have frowns in their face. People are violent too. The only thing that makes them happy is killing people.

If I were someone, I wouldn't cross over them. But if I were someone immortal again, I would let myself there. To make them happy.

'Cause it's better to make someone happy than too make yourself happy. Right?

That's the end of the tour....

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