dear diary

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Dear diary,
Charlie here, so um, I haven't done this in quite some time. Since my mom died actually,
My dad said I've been acting different and he wanted me to go to a therapist again. So I did, and of course they tell me to keep a journal, I prefer the name diary, it seems more... mysterious.
Anyways, I have to write in here every day until I feel like the weight has been lifted off my shoulders... of course I didn't tell him what the weight on my shoulders really was , but he got the point.
I guess I have to talk about my day. So today I stayed home from school because I wasn't feeling too good, I guess it was the nerves for my therapist appointment. Then I went to my therapist appointment and now I'm here... kinda boring, well that's all for today I'll see you tomorrow I'm pretty sure :)


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