Visit to the closet of Bernard

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Normally Clarke didn’t go to bars on a Thursday night, but Raven had insisted and as always when Raven asked she caved, but even thought she insisted that she would only get one drink. She knew that her plan was doomed the moment she stepped into the bar and saw Jasper and Monty already there, drinking.

“Clarke” Monty exclaimed as he stood up and gave Clarke a small hug, a cup in his hand. “here is your shot, no lime we already finished them” Jasper giggled as he made room for Clarke and Raven on the table.

“Lets order another round of shots for the table.” Jasper said “Clarke you go, its your turn to invite the drinks”

With a sigh Clarke stood up, and carefully rearranged her dress that had risen up her tight.

Once at the bar Clarke ordered one round of tequila shots, and as she walked back with the four shots in her hands, someone crashed into her, spilling all the drinks.

“Fuck” Clarke whispered, stepping back to avoid the glass on the floor. Looking up she saw one of the most beautiful man she had ever seen. Tall, dark hair and dark eyes, he looked muscular and the dark blue shirt he was wearing really did wonders for his arms.

“Shit, sorry” The man said, “let me get you another round” he smiled and grabbed Clarke’s arm.

And oh God, Clarke was doomed from that moment onward.

Flirting, dancing, more shots, and all with Bellamy, a name that was whispered in Clarke’s ear in between shots, and then a kiss, more kissing, and another shot and then there were in a taxi, heading toward Bellamy’s place.

They were almost rushing to get into the house, as soon as they were inside Bellamy’s hands were on her dress, trying to get the zipper off and failing, so with his strong arms he teared the dress, making it drop to the floor. Clarke silently thanking Raven for making her wear her cute underwear

“Sorry about the dress” Bellamy whispered as his mouth made contact with Clarke’s neck, Clarke ran her hands on Bellamy’s chest, a hand was between her legs, rubbing all the right places. She moaned, and Bellamy grinned against her neck.

“Bed” Clarke whispered, tugging on Bellamy’s hair moving his mouth toward hers, the kiss was rushed, full of lust, teeth clashing and Bellamy picked her up, her legs immediately going around his waist, his hand running up and down her back.

They arrived to the bed like that, all tangled limbs and bitten lips.

Bellamy was still completely dressed, and Clarke didn’t quite like that, so once in the bed she climbed on top and as she kissed him, she started to unbutton his shirt, kissing his chest every time a button came loose. The shirt finally came off and Clarke finally was able to admire Bellamy, he was gorgeous, he was muscular in all the right places without it being excessive.

Clarke grinned, and it was on. Bellamy turned and then he was on top of her, taking of her bra expertly, he started groping her breast, pinching and liking her nipples, a finger rubbing her clit though her panties, and a little part of Clarke’s mind was embarrassed of the small sounds that where escaping her lips.

Bellamy suddenly stopped and made eye contact with Clarke, and Clarke almost melted by the look of his eyes, part lust, part admiration, and it was enough, Clarke needed more.

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