chapter 8

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Danny pov

That pack meeting was boring. I was waiting to move out of the place soon. After my father dismissed us, me and Smith went to the play area. But when I came out, everything was mess. People are running like maniacs out of the place, soon loud growls heard from the distant made me alert. I ran to the direction of the sound, enraged when I witnessed what was happening there. Catherine was bleeding and she was being dragged by some person.

I shifted to my wolf form and jumped on the stranger, ripping his arm from her. I noticed she was shivering from fear, holding an unknown child. My wolf took my mind in control and started to fight the wolves furiously.

After I knocked out everyone, I went near her to check whether she is alright. She said thank you and fainted out . I changed back, lifted her and ran to the infirmary fast. Candy came running to the place , terrified when she saw Catherine lying in my arms lifeless. Soon I reached there, doctors took her away to the private room to examine her. I sighed worriedly looking towards the door hoping she would be fine. Candy was crying holding her head in her arms , blaming herself for what happened. Smith stood near her and soothed her down.

After few minutes, Derek rushed to the place asking what happened. My anger took over me, and I punched him. He held his face and frowned at me. "Where the hell were you?? You should have stayed by her side!! Look what happened!!" I shouted at him. " I got an important call" he said, I irritatedly scowled at him to keep his mouth shut.


It has been two hours, no response came from the doctors. We were sitting anxiously . After sometime, a doctor came and smiled at us , " No worries, it's small injury in her abdomen , she is alright now" he said. I breathed out in relief after hearing that. " Who is her husband?" He asked . Derek went near him, " Can I have a talk with you in private?" he asked. Derek nodded and followed the doctor. I frowned why he is calling him privately, something serious? I thought.

Catherine pov

I slowly opened my eyes blinking to adjust light, but groaned in pain in the stomach. Soon the doctor entered with my mate. He came near me and held my hands tightly and asked whether I am ok. I nodded my head and smiled at him. The doctor cleared is throat for our attention and we both looked at him. " I want to say something important , Urrmmm...... Catherine did you get any unusual cramps recently?" He asked. I got perplexed when he questioned me , thinking about cramps! I think that two days before I had severe cramps but didn't say to anyone and took painkiller by myself. I nodded my head slowly.

His hesitant gaze , got me more confused but I urged him to say whatever it is.

"I am sorry to say that you won't be able to get pregnant hereafter"

He said dropping the bomb on us. I couldn't hear it properly and asked him again. Tears started to form in my eyes. The pain in the abdomen is bearable. But what he said I can't believe it. I looked at Derek , his hold on me loosened and moved away and looked at me with horrified face.

What was that mean?. Doesn't he supposed to console me?

I cried hysterically thrashing in my bed , pushing everything near me. The nurse rushed out and injected my arm with sedative , that calmed me down. I slowly closed my eyes feeling the heaviness.

Candy pov

We heard loud noises from the room, soon Derek came out . And walked past us with unreadable face without answering our questions. We went inside and saw Catherine sleeping quietly , and asked the doctor but he sighed and told us not to ask her anything for time being. I worriedly looked at her and sat near the bed. I cried silently holding her hand, afraid what would be the problem .


Author's pov

After she regained consciousness, doctor told them to get her discharged and take her home. Catherine didn't spoke a word to anyone, it was too much for her to take. She felt like the world gave up on her. Ever she was small, she dreamed of having her own child, giving them all the love and care. But God was cruel to take away the  happiness from her.

They reached the mansion, she went upstairs and locked up herself in the room.

Danny sighed and Candy called Derek which was switched off. She cursed at the phone and Derek , asked Danny and laura to look after her, saying she will come tomorrow to check on her.


Danny hesitatedly reached the door knob, thinking whether to go in or not. But he decided to check, and opened the door. The sight in front of him made him to crumble down. Catherine was sitting down on the floor and knees up to her chest, crying painfully with head down. He went near her and caressed her head. She looked up with swollen eyes , tears streaming down , lips trembled made her vulnerable. He wiped the tears and asked her  "Catherine, if you want to say what's troubling you, I am all ears" he looked at her with hopeful smile. " I don't know what's the problem but you shouldn't pent up within yourself. I am here to listen" he said softly

She cleared her throat and looked down, " I-I-I c-can't.....h-have b-ba-by D-danny" she stuttered and sobbed .

I brought her in my arms and she hugged me with her weak arms and cried in my shirt. " H-He d-didn't s-say any-anything and w-went o-ff! I-I am s-scared" she said and clutched my shirt. I was very annoyed at Derek , because he must stay with her now not leaving her hurting like this alone.  "Don't worry miracle can happen" I lifted her head and wiped her tears on the cheeks, trying her to cheer up.

"Anyways small children can be really annoying sometimes making our lives more shitty than it is already" I laughed out to change her mood. She chuckled at me and regained her posture.

" And also you can always adopt one right"

She looked at me with shinning eyes and nodded happily ," Yeah, we can a-dopt" she said enthusiastically, soon her face turned into a sour one "b-but what will he-" , before she can say anything I hugged her again, " It's your own choice Catherine, no one has the right to deny the happiness you deserve" I said.

I will give you the happiness you deserve.

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