Getting a Lackey

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⭐ship⭐ Mera + Indus
TW: fight scene, one-sided feelings
Mera was looking for some free labor. Indus happened to have a crush on Mera. Everyone who wasn't blind or deaf could see (or hear) it.

Mera knew Indus was strong, but she was much stronger. Fragile. Her epithet was fragile. Something that haunted her and beat her everyday. An epithet that made her consider doing horrible things to stop the pain. Mera heard whispers of an amulet that let you steal multiple epithets. A solution to her agony! To get it she would need Indus.

It wasn't hard to find him. With Indus' large figure and tanned shiny skin, he stuck out like a sun hiding in the clouds. After minimal searching Mera found him. He was talking with someone with brown eyes and an androgynous look. Not important.

Mera strode up with as much confidence she could gather while being in excruciating pain. She shot a glare at the brown eyed dude, signaling for them to back off. Indus excused himself to go with Mera. Perfect.

Mera led him to a middle school field. No one would be using it today. Indus was confused.

"What are we doing here miss?" he asked with his not so quiet voice.

"This is a duel," she gestured between the two standing in a random field, "Who ever wins get's the other as a lackey," Mera smiled evily and her creepy eyes were mirrors that reflected the warm outdoor light. Indus squinted his eyes so he could see better in the blaring sun.

"I guess I'm up for a good duel, because my epithet is BARRIER!" he put his arms in an x formation and an orange barrier appeared a meter or to in front of him.

"Foolish of you to just tell me, Indus," Mera raised her left hand while shoots of blue ice exploded out of the grass behind Indus. An orange barrier quickly appeared to cover the big guy's head. Mera was relentless and broke through the "BARRIER" easily.

It was almost sad how quick the match ended. Mera was much worse for the wear than Indus, but she won! Her wounds automatically healed because of the overwhelming victory. She felt good for a few mere seconds before the cold pain covered her body again.

Mera walked over slowly to Indus.

"Guess you'll be doing my bidding now," Mera gloated.

"I guess so, Lady Mera" Indus looked happy. He might have thrown the match... So what? He got distracted by Mera's reflective eyes. It was definitely a duel tactic! Whatever, at least Indus got to spend more time with Mera.
A/N Hope you're having a good summer (or winter)! If you have any requests for one shots, please comment! Peace!

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