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When Len was a younger kid he was very
Very. VERY. stubborn with his father. His dad never understood why? Did he do something wrong? Did he do something wrong?? Was it all an act???

September 17th 2005

"Len!! Get ready or else I'm not taking you to your friends house!! " Len huffed. He whined as he rolled over and picked up the clothes for the day that his father had previously set out for him. A knock came on his door and he groaned "whaaat" The small boy whined.

Lens dad poked his head in the twins room. Rin was out with their mom for the day so the only person in the room was the five year old boy in his underwear refusing to get dressed.
"Put your clothes on! " His father said angrily. Len huffed and turned his head puffing out his cheeks with a frown "no! " He spat. His dad sighed and left the room.

"Yeah sorry Len isn't coming over today, he's refusing to get dressed"
"They would have had fun if he got dressed instead of sitting in his underwear on the floor for and hour! "

He spat looking at the five year old boy almost crying sipping apple juice.
"I... I wanna go!! " The boy whispered sadly "I'll get dressed!!! " He said dashing out of the room. His father chuckled.

"Yeah well be there soon-"

July 27 2005

"No!!! I'm not!!! " The little boy screamed at his father. "Len you need to! " His father argued. Len had an stomach bug and needed to take medicine to help but Len was being a stubborn brat. "I dun wanna!!! " He screeched waking up the sleeping Rin on the couch. The man sighed and looked at his wife with a pleading look.

She out down her puzzle Magazine and gave a yell "Len! Mommy wants you! "
The little boy came rushing out of his Room to his mom. She picked him up and loaded the plastic syringe with the grape medicine and looked at him. He looked back innocently.

She gently put the syringe in his mouth and squirted the medicine in. No fights. No whines. He just swallowed the medicine innocently like he didn't just scream at his dad about the medicine.

June 5th 2006


"No!! I'm not wearing those pants!! "

He screeched in the ski exhibit. The family of four were sitting in the benches putting in there thick ski clothes, Len the only one refusing. "Len if you go out like that you'll be freezing!! You'll become a popsicle!!! " Rin whined frantically. Len puffed his cheeks and shook his head.

He should have listened to Rin.. It was first time sking and he immediately fell and the coldness all throughout his lower body made him shriek. He seriously should have listened to his dad and Rin!!

His dad picked him up and brought him back over to the benches to slip the puffy warm pants on but he screeched in protest and even threw himself against the cold tile floor crying and screaming. His father growled and picked up his son and held him down with one hand and the other pulled the thick pants onto his legs.

Lets just say.. Len was angry his dad was right.

I'm sorry if this was bad jagavvavavaba

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